Aion Mage - Spiritmaster guide

By: Eve | Posted: 25th November 2009

The Spiritmaster is one of the more unique classes in Aion, being that you are generally not doing damage to enemies yourself. Instead, you summon a new being and allow that to damage the enemies for you. Luckily, you are able to assist your new summon by giving it heals, buffs, or tossing out a few damaging spells of your own to assist in the destruction.

Along with your own skills to assist your summons, you will also have the ability to choose which type of summon you wish to use. There are types for four different elements, each of which has their own positive and negative benefits.

The four elements are Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth.
Fire - Melee Offensive
Water - Magical Ranged Offensive
Wind - Magical Melee Offensive
Earth - Tanking

As you can see by reading the list above, these are all very different from each other. An easy way to think of these various types is to view the Earth as being like a Templar, the Water as being a Sorcerer, the Fire as being an Assassin or Gladiator, and Wind would be in a class of its own.

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Tags: four elements, assassin, gladiator, enemies, summons, fire water, melee, spells, buffs, sorcerer, aion