eliminate diets

By: kirstenplotkin | Posted: 25th November 2009

Sometimes it seems like just about everyone is on a diet. Of course, nobody can stay on a diet forever. Your health will suffer and the weight will still creep back as soon as you stop the diet. I think finally, people have begun to realize that diets are bad. We need to eliminate diets for one simple reason: diets-do-not-work...Ever!

If you start on a diet which demands you lower your calories you have already embarked on the road that leads to ultimate obesity. Each time you begin a new diet you travel a little further down the road. Type 2 diabetes is just a small detour from obesity. To get off that road you need to eliminate diets for good.

Until five years ago, I was as guilty of dieting as anyone else. I am a persistent person and I kept deluding myself that I had what it took to keep the weight off.

My weight problem started in the early 80's. My thyroid had become damaged during some surgery that had gone wrong and for the first time, I began to gain weight. The doctor referred me to a dietician for professional help.

Normally I would have spent a few weeks in the gym and worked it off. But these were new, modern times, in the beginning of the eighties, when a dietician was a new kind of expert who could help us learn the right foods to eat and how to correctly regulate our weight.

So I was put on my very first diet ever. It was the two third carbohydrate diet also known as the Pyramid. It was the very latest in food technology. Like millions of other people, I never lost a pound. Instead I gradually realized, with horror, that I had become addicted to bread.

I have since learned that when you deprive your body of food, by dieting, your brain sends a message to your metabolism to slow down your energy and begin to prepare for famine. That means it will turn all the carbohydrates you eat into fat to be stored on your body. That is to sustain you through the famine. It is why the weight returns so quickly the moment you stop dieting. Your body is never going to know that you cause the famines yourself.

There is an even more unwelcomed dimension to this problem. You see, between your diets, as your body begins to put the weight back on, your metabolism will begin to adjust what it accepts as your normal weight. After a diet this will be a higher weight than previously. That is because your unpredictable food shortages have alerted your brain to the likely threat of future famine.

When you decide to diet again, your new ‘normal' weight will make it very difficult to get it back down to where it used to be. Even if you manage such an incredible effort, you will still put the weight back on and you will still get that extra bonus weight that comes after each diet. In addition, there is a good chance that after such a prolonged period of dieting, your metabolism will be forced to raise the bar again with a further adjustment to your ‘normal' weight.

Do you begin to see the problem? If you keep dieting, obesity is inevitable? Once you understand that, you will realize how important it is to step in with the right method to control your weight, and reverse this horrible cycle of endless failed diets. Personally, I was close to giving up when I decided to go my own way. I decided to trust myself and forget about the ‘experts.' I had met several of them and I knew they were not that smart.

So I did my own research. I then drew on my knowledge and experience and I found a solution. What I developed is not like anyone else's idea of a diet, in fact it is a ‘no diet' diet.

I do not count calories I eat as much as I want. I never feel bloated and my weight has not varied in five years. What you may also like to hear is that during the same period, I have been more energetic than ever before.

I have this great wish that everyone who has a weight problem will get the real facts and stop the diet merry-go-round. A good start is to vow never to reduce your calories below what is normal to your body. Then learn how a small change in lifestyle will reset your metabolism and get your weight back to what it should be. It means you completely eliminate diets for good.


Kirsten Plotkin Author
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Tags: brain, diets, horror, health, diabetes, eighties, metabolism, calories, carbohydrates, obesity, type 2 diabetes, thyroid, famine, pyramid, dietician