Baby Girl Shower Invitations

By: sunny12 | Posted: 24th November 2009

The baby shower ceremonies are usually celebrated during the pregnancy period. By convention, baby showers are held for the first child. Baby showers are organized to receive or arrange funds for the would be parents. This is an immense help for the first time parents to be.

The guests may also make gifts for the baby to be born. This gives the parents a chance to gather things that they might find difficult to arrange out of sheer ignorance or due to costs involved. With families becoming smaller, each child gets more individual attention and baby shower ceremonies have become more common in the past 15 years.

Following tradition, baby showers are organized by family friends, rather than by immediate families. Actually, the immediate families of the couple would be parents are the chief guests. Close friends, relatives and even neighbors with whom the would be mother is on intimate terms make it to the invited circle.

This alleviates the spirit of the would be mother and hence the host of the shower, needs to make wise choice of guests while sending out baby girl shower invitations. The guests should receive the baby girl shower invitations well in time, say about two weeks ahead, so that they can surely make it to the celebration.

The host of the baby shower should always remember that the baby may arrive ahead of time and, therefore, should fix a day not too close to the anticipated due date.

Nowadays, however, baby showers are also held for the adopted babies as well. These ceremonies are, in fact, an announcement of the induction of the adopted baby into the family tree and are held after the adoption proceedings are over.

Sometime the parents spend a month or two with the adopted baby girl and it is only then that they send the baby girl shower invitations.

It is through a baby girl shower invitation card that one makes the proper baby girl birth announcements. Printed shower invitation cards are available for single baby, twins, triplets, and so on. You may personalize the baby girl shower invitations by your own words. Baby girl shower invitations showcase different themes.

Adoption showers, surprise showers, triplet and twin baby showers and even holiday and Christmas baby showers find expression in these invitations. The shower cards are excellent in quality and finish.

Since a shower ceremony lasts for two or more hours, some kinds of food have to be served in the parties. Full meals are not usually served at a baby shower. Rather, what are offered are simply finger foods.

Snacks or dessert foods like chips, pretzels, ice cream, pie and cake are offered to the guests. Sometimes it is replaced by a fruit or vegetable tray, which certainly is a healthy alternative and is a preferable option for the would be mother and to be born baby. There should be coffee and punch available for the guests. You may also choose to have soft drinks or other beverages available.

Alcoholic drinks should be avoided as a mark of respect for the mother to be. The would be mother should not indulge into drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee and soft drinks. However, food served in shower parties varies with the theme.

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Tags: family friends, close friends, due date, baby showers, induction, wise choice, invitation cards, triplets, birth announcements, baby shower, pregnancy period, invitation card, first time parents