FarmVille Legal Tips And Tricks – The Getaway From The Everyday

By: xtinknocker | Posted: 24th November 2009

The great escape from everyday stress and worries begin at FarmVille. Building your farm helps to relieve you from the headaches of the same ole same ole. It still takes alot of work and thinking. You still need FarmVille money to purchase your items.
There are more and more people joining the ranks of FarmVille every day. No one can get enough of this game and there are plenty of reasons why. FarmVille has the ability to take you away from the everyday hustle and bustle. Just relax, plant some seeds, and harvest some crops - not a bad way to spend an evening. They naturally advance their levels over time and show off their farm to friends and visitors.
I never would have imagined how fun it is to build my virtual farm. There really are alot more decisions and options involved than I thought. I realized the more I played the game, just how helpful a guide would be to help advance at all levels. Here are a few tips to help you along.
Plan Your Harvests
Another aspect of FarmVille that it can be tough to get the hang of at first is timing your harvests right. Each crop has a set time to mature. Once a crop is mature, you can harvest it. But don't wait too long. Be sure to plan your crops so you can be back to harvest or your plants will wither and die.
Expand Slowly
You want to get the most out of your land when you're working in FarmVille. You will want to plow as much land as you have to plant as many crops as you can. You do have to be careful about how much land you clear at once though. It costs 15 coins to clear one plot of land, so if you clear too many at once, you won't have any coins left to buy the seeds you want to plant.
Earnings per Hour
Because you'll be needing your coins for so much in FarmVille, you need to maximize the earning potential of your farm. The best way to do this is to figure out which crops pay out the most coins per hour. Pumpkins, for example, sell for 68 coins per plot of land while taking 8 hours to grow, while on the other hand strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot and take only 4 hours to grow.
You'll earn 8.75 coins per hour by planting strawberries, while the pumpkins will only get you 8.5 coins per hour. This may seem like a small difference, but these small amounts can add up fast. A very important point to remember is to harvest your crops as soon as they are ready, or you won't be getting your money's worth.
FarmVille is very flexible to play, and you can take it as seriously as you want. Just make sure you plant seeds that will take a long time to harvest if you only plan on logging in once a week. Just as anybody else who plays, I'll bet you can't stay away that long.

I purchased a couple of guides and cheaters, but the information just wasn't there and some even wanted me to download a hacker program. They were either severely outdated, or were set for people who were way ahead of me in the game and I couldn't unlock some features because of the level I was on. Many of the guides on the web will be outdated because FarmVille is still in beta stag and improvements are being developed continually
I picked up a guide called FarmVille secrets, and was pleasantly surprised by the tips I found. Screwing up a virtual farm don't seem that easy, but trust me I've done it all. After a month of playing I stumbled my way to level 6, and decided to buy the guide. Now I'm the proud owner of a plantation and a level 26 Sultan of Soil.
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Tags: money, game, worries, decisions, earnings, plants, headaches, pumpkins, earning potential, seeds, bustle, strawberries, harvests, plot of land, coins, crops, everyday stress