Enigin Stay Competitive By Going Green - Energy Efficiency

By: Gen Wright | Posted: 23rd November 2009

Today, there is a heightened awareness of the damage that has been done to our environment. Many environmental campaigns and initiatives have brought our attention to the issues of global warming and climate changes. Here at Enigin, we have built our entire business around this one issue. Becoming more environmentally friendly.

The challenge to reduce our carbon footprint is an ongoing one. While it's clear that we are making progress, we are still far from winning the race. We must not rest on our laurels because it's always easy to say that global warming is "somebody else's" business. Perhaps "they" will do something about it. But there is no "they". There is only "we". We will only continue to witness positive results when we work together and playing our parts. It is everyone's responsibility to take care of the environment.

However, in business, everything comes down to dollars and cents. Businesses have to think about cost considerations and cash flow in order to stay relevant in the marketplace. In the harsh reality of the business world, some businesses may even be compelled to ignore environmental initiatives in order to maintain their current cost position. This type of business decisions may be questionable, and may arise out of ignorance. This is exactly where people like Enigin come into place. By helping companys to save money when being more enviromentally friendly, Enigin help not only to help reduce peoples impact on the enviroment, they give them motivation to stay that way through the one thing that all companys will listen to - their wallet.

Fortunately, the tide is about to turn. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is setting programs to help businesses realize that they should (and must) go green in order to be sustainable. Businesses that are primarily powered by oil are emitting CO2 into the environment. As we all know, CO2 leads to global warming and undesirable climate changes. Responsible businesses should take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

Besides, oil is not a renewable energy source. The price of oil has been on constantly on the rise, putting pressures on many businesses. Those that do not know how to manage their resources efficient may be going the way of the dinosaur.

There is no question about it - going green is the only way for a business to stay relevant and competitive in the long term. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. The EPA is running a voluntary program that provides its partners with tools and resources to help them go green. With the help of people like Enigin, businesses can utilize the new knowledge and tools to help them measure their green initiatives. For example, they can learn how to save up to 30% of their air conditioning costs.

Since cost savings are now measurable, businesses have a strong incentive to carry out green initiatives. The business environment for the future will be about energy efficiency and energy management. Those who learn to do it well will be more than able to survive - they will thrive. Those who refuse to participate will eventually cause their own downfalls. As green companies lower their operation costs by going green, they are in a better position to offer products at competitive prices. Companies that refuse to adopt green initiatives cannot do that. As a result, they will lose market share to those who have taken action.

Going green is not a one time matter. It's an on-going effort. As technology continues to evolve and improve, businesses will be able to reap more benefits. In time to come, our environment will heal.

Enigin PLC are an active member of the energy saving association, and you can read more about it on the Enigin ESA website page by googling energy saving association. They are also contributors to many other sites, and get talked about alot. Read the latest review on enigin by someone else.
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Tags: campaigns, wallet, harsh reality, motivation, cash flow, business world, dollars and cents, environmental protection agency, tide, business decisions, global warming, laurels, climate changes, co2, carbon footprint