Is Manuka Honey Face Gel the Ultimate Weapon Against Skin Aging?

By: Yu Morita | Posted: 23rd November 2009

Perhaps you have heard of Manuka honey face gel, and wonder if a treatment featuring this particular is really as good as people say that it is. Honey facial treatments have been becoming more and more popular over the last couple of years. You see these treatments being offered in spas all the time, and they really are effective in healing your skin, and combating the effects of aging.

A lot of people seem to think that this type of skin remedy is something new, since there has been a renewed interest in organic skin care treatments as of late. The truth is that the use of honey as a facial skin care treatment dates at least back to the age of Cleopatra, who legend has it, was a huge fan of the use of honey as a way to enhance her beauty, and keep her looking young.

While there are many different products and treatments currently being offered, Manuka honey face gel is the cream of the crop. Manuka is a monofloral honey, which is a type that has a high value on the market due to its distinctive flavor. These honeys have other attribute also, which make them highly valued as both a food source, and a healing treatment.

Manuka honey is produced by bees that feed on the Manuka bush, which is a shrub that grows wild across the countryside of its native New Zealand. This honey is prized for its antibacterial properties, and it is commonly used as a topical antibiotic, and antifungal agent for open wounds that refuse to close. This compound is even being studied for use in healing skin ulcers suffered by those with severe staph infections, and diabetes.

The primary ingredient in Manuka honey face gel is recognized as having the highest level of healing properties of any honey in the world. By simply ingesting this compound, or absorbing it into your skin, you can actually improve your immune system. These healing properties are what make this particular type of honey the perfect solution for skin care.

This honey is richer in antioxidants than virtually any other natural compound known to man. These antioxidants are needed for the ongoing battle against the free radicals that have ravaged your skin over the years. Free radicals do damage to the cells in the skin, and throughout the body. They are suspected in many circles of being what is most responsible for our bodies breaking down as we age.

While extremely powerful in its own right, the honey in a Manuka honey face gel could use all of the help that it can get in battling these free radicals, and in healing the damage that they have done. This is why the makers of the finest Manuka products have included Cynergy TK into their formulas. This mixture of peptides and enzymes has far more antioxidant strength than any other compound, including Manuka honey.

The inclusion of Cynergy TK in Manuka honey face gel will undoubtedly heal your skin, and could help to extend your life. It's at least worth trying.About the Author
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Tags: different products, perfect solution, open wounds, skin ulcers, healing properties, food source, shrub, skin care treatments, cream of the crop, facial skin care, antibacterial properties, organic skin care, natural compound, facial treatments, skin care treatment, staph infections