The Top Skin Care Lines Aren't the Ones That You Think They Are

By: Yu Morita | Posted: 23rd November 2009

It seems sort of strange to me how many people automatically consider the major cosmetics companies to have the top skin care lines. I think that the reason that everyone seems to feel this way is because of the millions of dollars that these large corporations spend every year in order to convince us that we should buy their products. The ads that we see may not be the best indicator of the quality of these products.

We would all be a lot better off if these companies put more money into the development of their products, and less into marketing them. To be honest with you most of the formulas that the major corporations come out with each year are of very poor quality. It may surprise you to know that they spend very little time and money on the products that they sell you.

What are widely thought of as the top skin care lines typically contain the lowest quality ingredients that can be obtained. This is because despite annual earnings in the billions, these major corporations want to spend as little as they possibly can per product. The way that this is accomplished is by replacing the healthy, natural ingredients that you need with potentially harmful chemical agents.

The agents that are typically used can cause a number of health problems, including cancer, and nobody should allow these components to enter their bodies. Allowing chemicals to enter your skin will not benefit it in any way, so it is not worth taking the risk that you may become ill from the agents being absorbed into your tissue. Look for formulas designed by companies that care about your health.

The top skin care lines are the ones that are designed for treating your skin using all natural ingredients. In order for you to ensure that your skin is receiving all of the antioxidants, and essential nutrients that it needs to be healthy, you will want to seek out those that contain plant based ingredients. Plant oils and waxes most closely resemble your own natural oil.

Many of the highest quality all natural skin care products are being developed in Europe, by small or mid-sized corporations. These are the companies that put safety and effectiveness first, when they develop their formulas. The attention to quality shows in the results that some of these products can give you.

Of the top skin care lines one collection of anti aging cosmetics by a company based in New Zealand stands out. This company has discovered that a particular pairing of keratin proteins will significantly increase the production of the cells that form into collagen and elastin. What these products will allow you to do is grow new tissue to replace that which you have lost over the years.

I personally consider this group of products to be the finest of the top skin care lines. There are other all natural formulas that are effective, but none that have the ability to make you look as young as these products can. They will make a huge difference in your appearance.
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Tags: earnings, time and money, little time, billions, large corporations, highest quality, poor quality, cancer, skin care, health problems, essential nutrients, natural ingredients, chemicals, natural skin care, cosmetics, natural oil, taking the risk, quality ingredients, plant oils