Choosing A Broadband Plan

By: agam singh | Posted: 11th November 2009

With quite a number of Internet providers vying for a share of the broadband market and offering different kinds of plans, you may have a hard time deciding the best business broadband for your company. The major factors that you have to keep in mind while choosing your Internet provider are the speed, cost and volume of download the connection offers. Other minor things include the services of an extra phone for your Internet connection and extra charges of the subscription plan you choose.

Good business broadband providers offer speeds upto 8Mbps or more but they may vary from region to region. The farther you are from a network tower or the older your phone cables are, the lower your download speed will be. Here is where the services of a satellite Internet provider prove more beneficial than a cable connection. It doesn't matter wherever you are, a satellite connection will give you the speed you were wanting all the time.

Prices are the next most important thing you have to consider. Every Internet service provider will have different tariffs for business purposes. Do your research well. Ask your friends and relatives for opinions. Look at all the terms and conditions of the plans before going forward with the selected one.

Another vital aspect is the download limit you are entitled to under your plan. Each plan will have a particular amount of data only which you can download for a month. If you exceed that limit, you end up paying more than your fixed subscription charges for a month. Some plans will give you separate tariffs for day and night packages. If you just check your mail and do ordinary browsing, you can go for a lower download limit. If you want to download music or movies from the net, then you will need a higher download limit. Make sure you have enough limits for your connection because excess download charges are expensive.

You will have to check whether the necessary equipment needed for your business broadband is provided by the dealer or not. Cable Internet connections need a modem to connect to the web. If you are using multiple computers, then you need to get a modem which can make multiple connections to it. The IP address you will receive for your system when you connect to the Internet is another important factor. Most Internet providers assign you a different IP address each time you are online which is a called a dynamic IP address. If you want a static IP address for your office system, then you will have to pay more. Therefore, its very important to consider all the above factors before you choose an Internet provider.

Author's Info:

Agam Singh is a well known author who writes for technological and computer magazines. He has written many articles online on computers, Internet provider, business broadband and internet providers.
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Tags: internet service provider, mail, good business, hard time, tariffs, different kinds, business purposes, download speed, cable connection, necessary equipment, internet providers, vital aspect, subscription charges