Differences Between The Republican and Democratic Healthcare Reform Bills

By: Yamileth Medina | Posted: 11th November 2009

The Republican Party has spent the past several months serving as vocal opposition to the healthcare reform bills supported by the Barack Obama administration and Democratic members of Congress. During that time, they have seen success in influencing public opinion. However, many were frustrated that Republicans hadn't offered their own plan. Surely they didn't believe that the health insurance system in the U.S. is perfect the way it is? Well, the wait is over. Senate Minority Leader John Boehner has acknowledged the public's demand for an alternative with the debut of the GOP's healthcare reform bill. Obviously, a party that has disagreements with most parts of the Democrats' bills in the House of Representatives and Senate has written a significantly different bill. How exactly are the proposals different?

As you can see, there are significant differences in the bills. Above all, Republicans acknowledge that their bill would insure less people than the Democratic bill. Although both parties care about lowering the percentage of uninsured individuals and families in addition to the budget deficit, there is a trade-off. The latter appears to be a higher priority for the GOP. It appears inevitable that healthcare reform will pass at some point, possibly before the end of this year. The details of the Democratic proposals have been discussed for weeks, while the solutions presented by the Republicans have just made their formal debut. Boehner plans to finalize his party's bill soon, in order for it to be presented when debate on the finalized Democratic bill begins on the House floor. So far, neither strategy for reforming our healthcare system seems ideal. Despite that, it is positive that more options are being presented to the American people. The greater number of minds put together, the faster we can fix the unavailability of affordable health insurance plans in this country.

(Image: makelessnoise under CC 2.0)

Yamileth Medina is an up and coming expert on Health Insurance and Healthcare Reform. She aims to help people realize that they don't have to go without a health insurance plan while waiting for a public option, if it ever gets passed. Yamileth lives in Miami, FL.
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Tags: health insurance companies, health insurance, insurance sales, pre existing conditions, health insurance plan, members of congress, barack obama, healthcare reform