How to Remove the Spam and Get in Control of Your Inbox

By: Mike Beale | Posted: 06th November 2009

Beating the spammers at their own game may be easier than you may think. The simple idea behind this strategy lies in using a multi-step process to separate out the spam from your e-mail. To implement this plan you can inexpensively purchase your own domain and web hosting service for less than $10 a month or you can subscribe to a free web-based e-mail service such as Hotmail or Gmail.

The first element of this plan involves the use of multiple e-mail addresses. Ideally, you should give each person or company you deal with a unique e-mail address. That way if someone starts spamming you just delete their e-mail address and immediately stop their spam. It works best if you own your own domain. Each e-mail address you give out will be an alias and the e-mail received will forward to your main e-mail account. For those of you using Hotmail type accounts may not the able to give everyone their own disposable e-mail address. Even if you have only three to five disposable e-mails to work with you can still gain a high level of protection to your inbox.

The next element in our anti-spam campaign is to deploy and e-mail blocking program directly on the e-mail server. The key point to remember here is that it must be a server based program. Not one of the weak PC add-on e-mail programs that you can download and install on your computer. All of the major e-mail services have such a program and website owners almost always have the option of adding the Spam Assassin junk mail filter program to their e-mail server. The big advantage that a server-based program offers is two levels of spam filtering. They have access to large anti-spam networks that actively compile and identify new spam mailings. Once a mailing is identified everyone in the network is alerted. This whole process is automated with software and an alert can be triggered within a matter of minutes after the spammer begins mailing. Next they employ complex Bayesian spam filters and Markovian discrimination algorithms to stop the nasty spammers.

Being able to automatically sort and route your e-mail inside your e-mail client is the third and final level of defense against the spammers. Of course, any e-mail stamped as spam by your e-mail filter will go directly to a spam folder. You should set the archiving on your junk mail folder to delete. You should occasionally check the spam folder but remember never ever do business with the spammer no matter how good the offer looks. You're going to find that some companies will send you more e-mail than you want to read even though you initially agreed to be on their list. I suggest you prioritize your mail and then put your high priority e-mail into a single folder and the lower priority e-mail into other appropriate folders. If you followed the first step and gave everyone a different e-mail address, then it will be an easy matter to route that mail once it arrives at your computer.

Using this approach, I reduced my spam count from hundreds per day down to two or three. So, consider taking a little bit of time and energy right now to eliminate your junk mail problem. Living spam free is not hard to accomplish with these three levels of protection.

Learn more about Spam blocking and e-mail spam blockers:

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Tags: e mail addresses, web hosting service, mail server, e mail address, hotmail, spammers, e mail service, spammer, e mail account, key point, matter of minutes, e mail services