Have You Created an Information Product But Have No One to Sell Too?

By: steve-wilkins | Posted: 05th November 2009

It is always difficult to start making money when you launch your first information product. Even if you have managed to get it approved on a decent market place like clickbank this is still not enough to ensure regular sales.

If you are having trouble making regular sales or are just starting out with your information product business then you are not alone. Unfortunately many thousands of new internet marketers fall at the first hurdle when they discover just how hard it is to get themselves noticed or drive sufficient traffic to their product sales page to make enough sales. It is also unfortunate that many new Internet marketers also lack the confidence to start contacting possible Joint Venture partners to help promote their product.

If you want to make a dent in the market place and make a name for yourself then you will need to start networking within your chosen niche. Forums are a good place to start, the ever popular Warrior Forum is one of the busiest Internet marketing forums on the planet and is a great place to meet like minded professionals and forge possible JV partnerships.

There really is not better time to start networking with the Internet providing the most instant hands-off approach to networking known, why not make a start straight away.

A good tip for contacting well know marketers is to offer to review and promote one of their products with nothing in return. Not all marketers will respond but you will definitely get a few who will and will be more than willing to offer you a free download of their product to review and promote.

Then a few months after promoting their product, contact them asking if they would mind promoting your new product, you will find nine times out of ten that they will now be more than willing to promote for you as they now know who you are and will also feel the need to reciprocate your act of promoting their product earlier. Who knows you might just find a JV with a list of thousands who will promote your product, giving you the exposure and sales you need to build your online business

Remember to offer a decent commission rate for your JV partner, there is no set amount but 50% commission on all sales sold through their website is usually a good start. Some seller's like to offer higher commissions like 60, 70 or even 80%. Why?

Well it's simple, would you rather have 20% of something or 50% of nothing? Some of the big name marketers have tremendous amounts of traffic coming through their site, so in turn have the potential to sell thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of your product. And remember, the beauty of selling a digital product is that it never runs out, and packaging costs you nothing so remember this when making an offer to a potential JV partner.

You may need to offer a higher commission base but the rewards will often well make up for this offer.

Just imagine a JV partner selling 10,000 copies of your Information product at $9.99. You offer them 80% commission on the sales made. You take only 20% of these sales. That's $19,980 in sales in your pocket. As I said earlier, it's better to have 20% of something rather than 50% of nothing.

Best of luck with the building of your online business, please check out my resource box below to see if I can help you with anything.


Steve Wilkins
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Tags: traffic, internet marketing, internet marketers, making money, clickbank, niche, better time, information product, confidence, nine times, product business, partnerships, networking, joint venture partners, hurdle, warrior forum