Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Liu Wenjin Art Review

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 22nd October 2009

Women figures under brush of artist Liu Wenjin were all been injected with personality and wisdom that nourished by excellent culture, and become an embodiment of idealism beauty, who gathered the figure most thoughts and ultimate yearning to the human beauty of contemporary people, which embodies active social meaning, and unique aesthetic values in the history of contemporary oil painting art.

Liu Wenjin Art Review:

Women figures under brush of artist Liu Wenjin were all been injected with personality and wisdom that nourished by excellent culture, and become an embodiment of idealism beauty, who gathered the figure most thoughts and ultimate yearning to the human beauty of contemporary people, which embodies active social meaning, and unique aesthetic values in the history of contemporary oil painting art.

Liu Wenjin, who was born in Yingko city, Liaoning province, China, in his early years, he studied in Luxun Institute of Fine Arts, later set foot in the film art, and acted as an artist at Changchun Film Studio. At the medium and later years of 80s last century, :Liu Wenjin began to dive into the creation of modern film aesthetic theory and dramas, and his representative oil painting works there are: "Talk About the Function and Characteristics of The Film Aesthetics"(published on "Social Science Line" a national grade philosophy publications 1985-3), "Evolution and Concept Update of Social Economy Types"(published on "Film Study" and Film Literature Drama "No Other Choice" , and was been selected as the important theory list by "Remarks Offprint" in 1986", all the above mentioned works has caused great responses in the art circle.

In 90s of last century, Liu Wenjin came back to the painting circle, and migrated to Beijing. Creations of Liu Wenjin insisted on the aesthetics theory that adhered to the true, the good and the beautiful humanism, and advocates Chinese Culture Renaissance, while criticizing colonize culture complex, Liu Wenjin athwart to the fashion trend of modern and post-modernism art, take young girls as his main creation themes to express his ideas and concept, which attracted wide attentions and praises of viewers, medias and critics in domestic and abroad as well as great attentions from the art industry.

Career of Main Art Shows:

1992 : Guangzhou - China Biennial Art Show

1995 : Hong Kong - China Fine Oil Painting Works Art Show;

2001: Chinese Oil Painting Great Show

Other: China International Art Expositions (several times)

Representative Awarded Oil Painting Works: "Rhyme of Sea", "No Words" and so on.

Recommended & Covered Medias: Art Observation, Collection World, Literature News, Chinese Culture News, Guangming Daily, "WenHui Daily"(Hong Kong), China Daily, Contemporary Chinese True Artists Selected Oil Paintings Series, Gallery and so on.About the Author
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Tags: embodiment, oil painting, chinese culture, social science