Can U Stop Global Warming?

By: CMAenergy | Posted: 09th October 2009

Can you or anyone STOP global warming? HOG WASH!

If you think that you or your governments and industry leaders can stop global warming , YOUR out on a limb ready to be cut off! And the winds of hot air is increasing! The tree is getting over loaded with liars and false issues! FACT'S do not lie!

Why is it then you see NO and we mean NO improvement in how to stop the carbon footprint?

Why is it all the meetings of government going to the United Nations still have NO solution?

Why is it they all scream we need an alternative energy? They still are stumped at the issue of NO answers. The meetings go on and on while the carbon footprint still increases and will continue to get worse.

They are all blinded and can not see past the end of their noses! They passed up the most important source of energy research years back, because of PRIDE! They have not got the real LOVE of God in their hearts. Fact! They have all gone off the deep end and the FOX is running the hen house! How many times do you see someone speaking of a link to the secret society in Governments and the United Nations? Facts do not lie.

Don't believe us! Then why is it they are all screaming they need more FUNDS to curb global warming and we have to stop the carbon footprint?

Why don't they unearth their pockets to help instead of trying to flush every cent you have?

Who lives in luxury while they put the workers that gave them their luxury out on the streets?
And now are expected to help support and stop global warming from the factories they built for those who live in luxury. Who's children will suffer while this debate goes on until the pride of man is stopped for the benefit of others?

Will they just keep complaining while they find no answer then suddenly eliminate many people through what ever means they have? Do they have any shame in their hearts? Do they or you who will not give up you life style being ignorant to a better way of life keep doing what it is you do until the other gives way? Which will not happen because of your pride.

Why scream for something and nothing is done? Why is time passing and things remain the same? The OZONE layer keeps getting worse. More people use fossil fuels and things still go from bad to worse. While time runs out.

If your serious and you want to stop this? Then look to the only research that has any chance to stop global warming, before it's to late.

David Chura,
Research investigator field of CMA energy,
David Chura, research investigator, field of CMA energy, global warming stop gambling stop global warming
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Tags: way of life, factories, pockets, shame, industry leaders, hearts, life style, noses, source of energy, governments, scream, global warming, liars, hot air, united nations, alternative energy, carbon footprint