Cape Ann ,The Artists Paradise

By: sanjay | Posted: 05th October 2009

Cape Ann is located in the Atlantic about twenty miles north of Boston, Massachusetts This area has been a popular spot artists and painters who have been visiting the old, quaint and rustic towns that make up this area. Some of the well known towns are Gloucester, Rockport, Annisquam, Magnolia, Essex and Lanesville. Many great and celebrated nineteenth century American artists such as Fitz Hugh Lane, Winslow Homer and William Morris Hunt had visited this area and had spent quite a long time here.

The main reason which attracted these artists to Cape Ann was its range of superb and majestic landscapes, blue sea, sandy beaches, granite quarries, old ships which docked in Gloucester Harbor and the green woodlands of the region. These natural attractions changed its colors along with the season.

Cape Ann has a long and rich history of varied arts and culture. Most of the well known painters, artists, sculptors and writers were inspired for their work through the beauty and ruggedness of the landscape of the place. Two of the oldest artist colonies of the United States are located in Cape Ann. They are the Rock Neck Art Colony in Gloucester and Bearskin Neck in Rockport. These two places are deemed to be the Mecca for artists and art lovers from all over the world.

Cape Ann also boasts the location of several outstanding art associations. The North Shore Art Association is the most notable amongst the art association. The association is responsible for harnessing the creative energy of the artists and art lovers of the area. The region of Cape Ann also has a number of renowned holistic health practitioners.

Cape Ann has also a number of outstanding museums which specializes in fine arts, historic collections, seafaring and natural history. It is also the home to the Gloucester Stage Company, Rockport Chamber Music and Theater in the Pines and the Rockport Chamber Music Festival. The artists are drawn by the rugged landscape and atmosphere of the area.

Art in Cape Ann is home not only to the painters, but also to other participating artists such as jewelry designers, potters, sculptures and photographers. If you happen to visit the region of Cape Ann you can get the opportunity to meet the artists working in their studios, see demonstrations of their work and also buy a work of art directly from them.

There are some artists who have been living, working and creating on Cape Ann for more than thirty years. The most notable amongst them is Marty Morgan who has been living and working in her studio since 1979. If you happen to visit her studio, you can view some of her most interesting works on pottery. She creates dishes, teapots, cups and wall tiles. Bart Stuyf is another artist who lives here and works on sculptures of birds, flowers and fish. He uses different kinds of materials such as copper, soapstone, wood and even Styrofoam for making these sculptures. Judith Wright who is a mosaic artist lives here and creates beautiful tables, jewelry and exotic wall hangings in her studio.

Sanjay Kumar writes content about American Women Artists , American Impressionism and Cape Ann Art .for more information visit at: Cape Ann Art
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