What Photography Is To Me

By: Amy Quarrier | Posted: 02nd October 2009

What Photography Is To Me

Custom, soulful, funky, ethereal. There are innumerable words that describe the new wave in photography. The impact that digital has made is incredible. It has given photographers a way to express themselves and their art in a manner that has no limits. There are plenty of different styles to match every client. I'm sure everyone has their own idea of what custom photography is, so I will give you my version of what that entails.

Most people have a tendency to think in the box when it comes to photography. A portrait on a wall should consist of a few key things: studio lighting, eye contact with the camera, and a smile. While those things do still have their place, photography and photographers have taken a sharp turn off the beaten path. With this has come a change in what is being presented as a portrait. Instead of the status quo portrait, we are now seeing clients who fall in love with the action shots or crying shots or any number of photos that truly show who their children are. Instead of dressing their children in button-ups and pantyhose, they are now embracing the idea of their child in his favorite tattered Spiderman outfit. The photos of a shared look between parent and child, a shot of Mom taking in the scent of the top of her child's head, brothers entangled in a wrestling match. These things bring out emotion. Generations will be able to tell more about the subject than just what they look like: they can get some sense of their character. That excites and drives me to become better at what I do.

With custom photography also comes the opportunity to display your art in ways never before offered. Canvasses that resemble art gallery wraps are stunning. Thick-paged flush-mounted albums can be designed with on-of-a-kind embellishments or a minimalist design with breathtaking results. When investing in portraiture, I always remind clients that while they may think they are merely decorating their home with these photographs, in reality they have purchased heirlooms to be passed down from generation to generation. When people realize how special it would be to see how their great-grandmother looked at her newborn, or how spunky their father was as a toddler, they begin to understand how priceless their photographs really are.

I adore what I do. I love watching a child warm to my presence. I love witnessing parents display their affection for their children in such a real way. I am blessed beyond measure to be able to capture memories for generations to come.

Author: Amy Quarrier of Ellements Studios and NAPCP member. The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) offers parents a directory of Child Photographers who specialize in newborn photography and portraiture. NAPCP's mission is to provide parents and clients a comprehensive directory of professional Children Photographers who will fit their needs.
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Tags: ups, emotion, eye contact, photographers, different styles, generations, new wave, portraiture, art gallery, embellishments, beaten path, wraps, sharp turn, minimalist design, action shots, pantyhose