Photo Tips

By: Leah Remillet | Posted: 02nd October 2009

Photo Tips

If you have kids, you have a camera. And if you're a new parent, you have more files loaded with pictures of that little cutie than you could ever possibly have a purpose for. Maybe you could make wallpaper for his room with all of them? If you are not loving my wallpaper idea, how about picture mache? No, hmm. Of ALL of those images… how many do you truly love? When you do capture that image that makes your heart flutter was it more by chance than purpose? Here are a few things to think about that can help get your heart fluttering more often. And lets be honest, who doesn't love to flutter!?

First lets discuss LIGHTING. Number one trick isn't much of a trick but it will make the overall most difference in your pictures. Here it is, when possible shoot outside, the most beautiful and flattering light was created by God, not a bulb. So move outside or to a nice open window where you have an abundance of natural light.
So your outside and it's blazing and your thinking, ‘ummm, beautiful light my patootie, I have harsh shadows every where'. Ok, so let me mention something else… Shooting at High Noon is a photographers nemesis, but sometimes we just can't avoid it. I guess our images will just have to suffer the consequences, no not really. As we get into summer, the fun begins! The kids dawn their new spiffy bathing suits, you break out the sprinkler and even give in when the ice cream man's melody comes around. Everything seems right with the world, it's hot, it's beautiful, the sun is high above and the kids are having a blast - as the great mom you are, your prepared, you have your camera and you want to capture the moment! Problem. Your pictures are less than stellar; everyone has raccoon eyes (the dark shaded circles around the eyes) and harsh shadow lines across them from head to toe. They look more like zebras than your little spunksters. So what's a gal to do?

Turn on your flash! That's what I said, pop up your DLSR's on camera flash or on your compact camera go into your settings and enable the always-on setting. By choosing to use your flash, you are creating a fill light (don't you feel so pro?), just be aware of your flash's focal length. Most likely you need to get closer, with most compact flash's you have a 4-6 foot range from your subject. So take a few steps forward (watch out for the sprinkler) pop that flash and voile, your images will showcase happy kiddos, and the zebras are back at the zoo.
So there are two technical tricks, now lets talk about capturing the true beauty!

The Eyes! As a photographer I get giddy about giving parents beautiful and natural pictures of their children. Eyes bright, smile infectious… That's the winning combo! So how do I make it happen? Lets talk about the eyes first. Light is key in this scenario. With out making things to technical, position your subject so that a soft and even light is casting on the face (you may even want them to tilt their face ever so slightly up toward the light source). Now start moving, get close, real close and walk around them in a slow half circle. Look at the eyes, wait for it, wait for it… found it. Suddenly you can see all the radiant color, every facet- ‘a window to the soul' takes on a whole new meaning. Ok stop staring, it's time to snap away!

The eyes are popp'n, now let me see those pearly whites!
Fist off, you will never, never hear me tell anyone to ‘say cheeeeese'. All you will get from those two words is a cheesy smile! Never ask anyone to ‘say cheese'! So remove that from your vocabulary! Got it? Good. Moving on. Now… don't be afraid to capture a more serious side, let them look directly at you - in fact tell them they can't smile. "I mean it, don't you dare smile" this almost always gets a smile. My next trick is well, not glamorous. I have been known to bark, bock, snort, and ask about smelly socks, smelly arm pits and other smelly things - and of course all the smelliness comes with very exaggerated scrunched up nose faces from me, but the kids laugh!

Lastly back up. Last trick, I asked you to do the two step forward but now I want you to shimmy on back. Heal… toe… dose Dow. Just kidding. But seriously, try just sitting back, use your zoom and let there natural play create the smiles… You will find that those images mean much more to you than the cheesed face because their personality is shining through. My business slogan is; capturing your moments for their lifetime. I chose this because that's what it's really all about. You will remember these years and they will be your special treasures! Let your pictures show the real them, the attitude, braces, awkwardness and large laughter - those will be your favorite pictures in the long run! With those the memories will come flooding back.
I hope these little tricks will help you get those images that make your heart flutter as you capture your story for their lifetime.

Author: Leah Remillet of Leah Remillet Photography and NAPCP member. The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) offers parents a directory of Baby Photographers who specialize in child photography and portraits. NAPCP's mission is to provide parents and clients a comprehensive directory of professional Newborn Baby Photographers who will fit their needs.
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Tags: abundance, circles, melody, nemesis, bathing suits, having a blast, zebras, raccoon