Generations of Adam

By: Clark Nelson | Posted: 28th September 2009

Generations of Adam describes the calendar treasures known to Adam and the Antediluvian Patriarchs that bring ancient humanity closer to us. The Jewish, Egyptian and Mayan calendars provide numbers in a universal language. Old Testament text in Genesis 5 carries the Mayan 5200-year Great Cycle and 800-year Generation Cycle in the Genesis Bible calendar -- the Antediluvian Patriarchs.

Clark Nelson
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Generations of Adam

The calendar treasures known to Adam and the Antediluvian Patriarchs bring ancient humanity closer to us. Three major calendars deliver heavenly wisdom that comes from Genesis. The Jewish, Egyptian and Mayan calendars provide numbers in a universal language. The Holy Bible text carries original calendar meanings forward to us today. We can now restore that education which was lost. Foundational insight appropriately begins with profound knowledge. Jesus Christ alludes to an Old Testament scripture in Psalms when he talks about a rejected cornerstone in the New Testament. The calendar is the holy property of God. The calendar domain marks the Alpha and the Omega.

Psalms 118:22
The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

Given the three major calendars known to civilization in the extreme past, modern mankind has deciphered enough information to place those three starting dates at: 3,761 B.C.E. for the Jewish Calendar, between 4,236 B.C.E. and 4,241 B.C.E. for the Egyptian Calendar and 3,114 B.C.E. for the Mayan or sister calendars of the Sun Kingdoms. Critical analysis of those three calendar systems allows a hybrid approach to the oldest trunk line of calendar science and penetration into the most distant reaches of human existence. Understood and revered to be the voice and Holy Word of God, the Bible chronicles the precise ages for the eras of the ancestral line of Adam. Practical application of basic mathematics used with the world's oldest calendars systematically unveils answers to the intricate riddle of all time.

The halving, doubling and dividing of time involved with the calendar records of Adam permit reconstruction of these oldest, written meanings known to the world. Masculine and feminine duality channeled humankind down through the listed eras. The patriarchal side of man's order deifies in the afterlife, whereupon the ruler aligned himself with the angelic host. Succeeding offspring measure time according to their linear life span, having a primary age until fathering the next named character and finally ending life after the secondary age. The solar-side half of lunar/solar separation time employs specific primary age durations that existed for a king, or leader, his village or country of rule and those inhabitants thereof. Woven into the calendar was the primitive theology of the standing stone or sacred pillar of the leader's male image. The vertical stone marker was a consistent standard to mark solar, daytime positions on the horizon, while the feminine lunar side of time happened at night. Lunar phases divide observable light and shadow or darkness seen for the moon.

All times within the greater 20-year and 400-year cycles principally belonged to the leader. In life and death, citizens were subordinate to the ruler's ancestral line. Significant stepped multiples of 20 are manifest by the 360-day-Tun-year. The following step is 20 times greater or a 20-year-Katun-lunar/solar-cycle. Lunar/solar separation time substitutes 210-days for 20-year-Katun-cycles. Another step establishes the 400-year-Baktun-cycle building block. Substitution assigns 210-years of l/s separation to stand for one 400-year-Baktun-cycle. The time split tool applies 105-years of solar-side reckoning for the 400-year-Baktun-cycle. The authority of sacred text enables the Mayan 400-year-Baktun-cycle to combine with Jewish Calendar analysis.

"And the PRINCE OF THE SEVENTH HEAVEN, when he sees THE SEVENTY- TWO PRINCES OF KINGDOMS, he removes the crown of glory from his head and falls on his face."
Chapter XVIII; Verse (2):
3 Enoch or The Hebrew Book of Enoch

A Mayan 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year is fundamental to the genealogy of the Biblical Adam. Tzolken is the Mayan name that describes the divinatory cycle. The above excerpt from the Hebrew book of Enoch is a reflective Jewish metaphor that alludes to 72-Tzolken-sacred-years within the Mayan 52-year Calendar Round. The final 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year sums the solar-side 5-day-Wayeb for 52-years, which is the difference between 360-days and 365-days every year. Mayan Calendar terminology aids the nature of our study. The work at uses hyphenated phrases to improve reading clarity. Two examples are the 360-day-Tun-year that contrasts with an ordinary 365-day-solar-year. Against this backdrop of ancient sacred texts and accepted calendar information, we are able to reconstruct the oldest possible calendar system on the planet.

Throughout the lineage of Adam, days and years pair together. The words: "And all the days of .... were .... years," show measurement of the same thing, time. By adhering to the ancient calendar system, a Mesoamerican 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year divides in half to arrive at 130-days (Eqn. 1). Parallel use of the 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year forms the basis for the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Similar to dividing the 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year in half, a 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle divides in half to get 130-years (Eqn. 2). The concept of numerical matching X-number of days to X-number of year sources from the 364-day-calendar-year. Jewish sects following the Patriarch Enoch show considerable evidence for a curious 364-day-calendar-year. The 364-day-Ethiopic-year is a variation along the same mathematical theme and probably more widespread. Equation 3 and 4 render the principle of cascaded time by numerically matching a 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year with a 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Both cases subtract from a 365-day-solar-year and for the latter, a 365-year-solar-cycle. The remaining time is 105-days and 105-years, respectively the result of cascaded time reckoning.


1. 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-year
¸ 2 Time Split (divide)
= 130-days or one-half of 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year

2. 260 year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle
¸ 2 Time Split (divide)
= 130-years or one-half of 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle

3. 365-day-solar-year
- 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year
= 105-days

4. 365-year-solar-cycle
- 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle
= 105-years

The calendar of Adam generically supports the literal Hebrew meaning of Man. Biblical ages given for Adam and the Antediluvian Patriarchs following, include both primary and secondary age categories. Time measured from birth of the named father until begetting the next character lists as the primary age for the character's lifetime. Primary ages are a category of time measures. Primary ages listed provide lunar/solar divisions that halve in order to separate the next primary age. Sacred years of 260-days and 360-day-Tun-years describe intersections of lunar/solar time reckoning with halves and quarters of a 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Primary ages for Adam and Seth historically log 360-day-Tun-years and alternate with 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years of Enos and Cainan. A reverse alternation back to 360-day-Tun-years occurs for Mahalaleel, Jared and Enoch.

Secondary ages comprise the time measured from birth of the next son until the death of the father. Secondary ages form a category relevant to the primary age category. Secondary ages include 800-year cycles as shown by Adam and Jared. Secondary 800-year ages repeat throughout the other secondary ages. To apply a tool, the translated word "Generation" has two kinds of meanings. From the Hebrew toledah, Generation can mean a long, indefinite time span or a firm number of years. Usage of Generation depends on the surrounding context. In the case of Abraham, the fourth generation was 400-years and the age of the man when his first son was born (Genesis 15:13, 16). The Jewish Calendar has always focused upon lunar/solar calendar cycles.

This work will use the term 800-year Generation Cycle to mean two separate 400-year-Baktun-cycles together. The 800-year Generation Cycle was paramount to the secondary age category in the lineage of Adam. Generation Cycles having 800-years held place value through all characters. The 800-year Generation Cycle is a complete term that appears for secondary ages. Notion of the seed of Abraham ties directly to the Sun Calendars' 400-year-Baktun-cycle. Doubling the 400-year-Baktun-cycle answers multiple 800-year Generation Cycles seen in the secondary age category. Ancient Jewish intent for the 800-year Generation Cycle(s) further serves to excavate the gemstones of Bible knowledge.

Early Hebrew calendars describe the eras of Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared and Enoch. Two 400-year Baktun cycles are one 800-year Generation cycle. The 5200-year Great Cycle pattern proves mutual traits with the Sun Kingdoms' Calendars of Mesoamerica. The Mayan 5200-year Great Cycle adds 13 different 400-year-Baktun-cycles. The secondary age category represents a 400-year-Baktun-cycle pair for each character through Jared. Enoch adds the last thirteenth 400-year-Baktun-cycle to finish the 5200-year Great Cycle.

Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible? seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Ages of Adam ministry. Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years. Ages of Adam is a free read at

Clark Nelson is webmaster for and author of Ages of Adam and sequel, Holy of Holies. Contact for more information. © Copyright 2006 Clark Nelson and All Rights Reserved.
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Tags: human existence, holy bible