Tips For Successful Married Life

By: Reeva | Posted: 23rd September 2009

Marriage can be a joyful thing full of wondrous moments and intimacy but it can also be frustrating and even depressing. The funny thing is most couples experience both of these feelings at various points in their marriage and often swing back and forth between joy and hardship making it unpredictable which can also add its own stress! How to stay happy in marriage seems like something that cannot be constant and is only for Hollywood and dreams. This is an unfortunate way of thinking however.

Filing for divorce is not the solution for when a marriage has hit its pushing limits. Solutions to stop a divorce and save the marriage often require both partners to be committed to saving the marriage although one can start the process.

Step one is counseling, either in person, online or working through an online marriage program.

In addition to professional services, there are a number of different things that can be done to save a marriage, it is not a complicated process and does not require much outside of both parties working towards the common goal.

save my marriage Today was designed to be an easy to follow and practical system for people who know that their marriages are in a crisis and are willing to do anything to fix it. save my marriage today has been used by thousands of couples worldwide. These couples follow the process word for word and their marriages are on the fast track to recovery.

Today, I can honestly say that I don't worry about divorce and haven't for many years. I think hitting the five year anniversary mark and renewing our vows really helped me put things into perspective. But it was my mom's words that really locked things in for me. One day, while talking about how long I've been married and my initial fears, she said to me, "You broke the family curse. I'm proud of the two of you. You've worked so hard for your marriage. You're a good example. I hope your sister will one day find the kind of love and marriage you have. That is my hope for her."

Avoiding confrontations often means completely giving in to your partners wishes which is unhealthy to a relationship as it is a form of lying if you do not really agree. This leads to a lack of respect in a relationship and very often low self esteem and bottled up rage and frustration.

The other end of the spectrum is to always be right by forcing your spouse to always be subservient. This I think does not need explanation to be seen as a terrible bullying tactic which can be violent and will of course lead to extreme resentment.

The middle way is to be a control freak in another way and try to change your partner on the sly so that all the things that annoy your about them are eventually eliminated. While people in relationships always change somewhat forcing someone to change their way of living is an impossible task which again will build resentment and anger.

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Tags: perspective, feelings, fast track, couples, mom, funny thing, stress, different things, marriage, intimacy, professional services, common goal, vows, filing for divorce