Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist He Duoling Art Review

By: Jennie Qiao(www.oil-painting-online.com) | Posted: 30th August 2009

At the early 80s, He Duoling printed his first image on the contemporary art history with his oil painting work "Spring Has Come Round", and this image was selected as one of the representative works of injuries art. He Duoling has meet the opportunity to become a Endorsement Artist of building a national image or a collective image, but his own explain and orientation for his art style is far apart from the evaluations of the art history, he stressed repeatedly that his oil painting "Spring Has Come Round" is lyrical, poetic, and it is mystic and unknown.

The art style of He Duoling is poetic, which emphasis on drawing, it is beautiful, elegant and sentimental, the end he pursued is a type of unfettered freedom.

Many of representative artworks of He Duling in the past 20 years had never been published. Viewing from his oil painting works, you could look through the inner world of He Duoling completely, and in each stage in the past 20 years there are market changes on his art style, such as "Spring has Come Round", "Life", "Walk to The Tree", "Boy in Winter", "Red Weather Horse," " Crow and Woman," "Rear Window Series", "Child been Stolen", "Floor series","Garden Program Series", "Small Mosquitoes", "Kevin", comic books "Snow Goose" and"The House with Attic", changes in each period have different topics and discussions on painting and drawing, the only thing unchanged is a kind of mystery melancholy temperament that belongs to the contemporary times. Therefore the art style of He Duoling is belongs to He Duoling's forever.

About Artist He Duoling:

He Duoling, who was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province China in May 1948, one of representatives of China contemporary lyrical realism oil painting artist.


- In 1973 he graduated from the Fine Arts Classes at Chengdu Teachers College;
- In 1977he went to Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and studied oil painting;
- In 1979 he studied at the research classes of oil painting at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts;
- After graduation in 1982 he stayed at Sichuan Chengdu Academy of Oil Painting and engaged in oil painting creations, and lived in Chengdu city from then on.
- In 1985 he was invited by the Massachusetts College of Art and went to the United States to give a lecture on oil painting.
- Now Mr. He Duoling is one of members of the Chinese Artists Association, as well as a first grade artists in Chengdu Academy of Oil Painting.


- As a representative of "scar art", as early as early 80s He Duoling's oil painting works of "Spring has come around," "Youth," Comic Strip "Snow Goose", "Pursuing tottering foes", "We had sang this song" had make a great hit.

- Oil Painting Work "Youth" had won a bronze prize in the Sixth National Art Exhibition, also had won a bronze medal at the Seventh National Art Exhibition, as well as a prize awarded by the Monaco Government.

- Comic Book "Snow Goose" had won a second-class honorary award in the Third National Comic Book Paintings Prize Awarding Activities.About the Author
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Tags: mosquitoes, realism, first image, art style, art history, market changes, academy of fine arts, rear window, contemporary times