OSCE conferences from the establishment of organization until now

By: Luka Malgaj | Posted: 25th August 2009

Since Organization for security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was established there have been several meetings.

1.) Follow-up meeting in Vienna
- 4 November 1986 - 19 January 1989
- much more clement international climate
- human dimension
- supervisory mechanism for the exchange of
- information pertaining to human rights

2.) A Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE, held in three annual sessions, in Paris in 1989, in Copenhagen in 1990 (human rights catalogue), in Moscow in 1991
substantial agreements on issues such as free elections, freedom of the media, the protection of persons belonging to national minorities, the right to peaceful assembly and the rights of children.

3.) The Moscow meeting 1991
Declaration, that commitments in the human dimension "matters of direct and legitimate concern to all participating States";
Moscow human dimension mechanism

4.) The Paris Summit 1990
- Charter of Paris for a New Europe, a comprehensive compendium of common values
- the vision of a new role for the CSCE as the main guarantor of security in a new Europe
- embracing a "new Europe whole and free"
- institutionalization (Council, Committee of Senior Officials =

5.) The Helsinki Summit 1992
The Challenges of Change, would begin with the sober observation that "for the first time in decades, we are facing warfare in the CSCE region"

6.)Budapest Summit 1994
CSCE adopted a U.S. proposal to rename it the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
This decision took effect on 1 January 1995.

7.) Istanbul Summit 1999
- Adoption of the Platform for Co-operative
- Security, a two-page operative document outlining the principles and modalities for working together with other international and - regional organizations and avoiding duplication
- cooperative security concept

For more information on this subject you might want to visit my site - Rok Mejak
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