How to succeed as a parent

By: Ruth | Posted: 21st August 2009

If you think back to times in your life when you truly succeeded, whether in the financial, relationship, intellectual, physical or spiritual arenas, you'll see that you were doing things in a certain way.
If you're like most people, you may not even have known what you were doing that worked so well! Often, we aren't consciously aware of what we are doing.
Even when we succeed and do things really well as a parent we're not sure why. We don't know how we did it, so we're not sure we can repeat it. We have no idea what the formula was, so we have no idea if we'll ever succeed again. Sometimes we are really successful in one area of life and not in another, because we have been unconsciously competent in one area and didn't think or know how to use those skills in another area.
We can only become consistently successful at anything when we understand what causes success and can repeat those patterns of thinking and acting at will. In other words, you must become consciously competent.
In ‘A Parents Guide to Children's Behaviour' I have set out steps to follow that will help you understand more about how you can be more consistently successful with your children. Do more of the good things that you do and change the things that are not helpful.
In the meantime, think about the times you have been totally successful in any area: What was your thought process at the time? What were you focused on? What type of action were you taking? And repeat more of those things to gain more success.
All the best
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Tags: arenas, thought process