Internet Marketing Tips - Professional Product Translation

By: Luka Malgaj | Posted: 19th August 2009

As the global economies are opening up more and more people are interested in the global products. The key for marketers is to identify the International audience set and to woo them with world class products. The best way to proliferate the offerings of your business is through a website. You can showcase your products and services to global audience base. And hence it places your business well in global arena. Even an International consumer is interested in a global product at times however the concern is the language barriers. Usually non-English speaking or reading audience face translation concerns and cannot understand the product specifics. The article will address some of the Internet marketing tips that marketers should adopt and make their products or services a worldwide delight.

The first thing you should decide out is that in which language you want your content to be translated. While selecting many languages is viable, select the most common language. For example Spanish, French or German would cater to more audience base compared to Hebrew language. Therefore selecting from a popular language set should be your first choice. Selecting a less popular language will cater to a niche with a very limited audience base.

The next thing you want to do is get yourself a professional translator. Unless you are as proficient in the language you have chosen as your mother tongue, the last thing you want to do is translate a document from one language to another without being absolutely sure what you're doing. A professional translator will cost some money, but when you think of the extra sales you're going to make, it will be worth it.

Another suggestion would be to hire somebody who is familiar with the customs of the people native to that language. Let's say, for example, you're having a product translated into Spanish, mainly for the purpose of selling to people in Spain. Spanish people have completely different customs and protocols than Americans and you want to make sure that nothing in your product is going to be offensive to them. In order to do that, you will need an expert on Spanish customs to go over your product in detail and suggest any changes that he or she feels is necessary.

Translating a product into another language isn't hard work if qualified people are handling the process. What's important is attention to detail, which means not rushing through the process. This will insure a smooth transition from one language to another.

Luka Malgaj is the main editor on Slovenian linguist portal Prevajanje - The Web site dedicated to Slovenian translators, interpreters and linguists.
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Tags: marketing tips, marketers, niche, offerings, international audience, global audience, customs, first choice, global arena, mother tongue, spanish people, language barriers, global economies, professional translator