Anne Harvester's Articles en-us No One Likes Having Cellulite – Liposuction Can Solve It Is there anything more hideous on our bodies than ugly cellulite? Often referred to as cottage cheese, cellulite is that nasty, bumpy looking fat most women get on their bodies after awhile. It is noticeable because of the fact it forms on the layer of fa... 26th November 2009 Is There a Liposuction In Your Future? For residents of Colorado, liposuction is one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery available. Denver liposuction is one method used to permanently remove fat cells from certain areas of the body. Those areas tend to be the ones that, no matter h... 23rd October 2009 Cosmetic Surgery Clinics Offer Solutions Loss of collagen, the protein that helps skin to maintain its elasticity, is a normal part of the aging process. It is why we begin to develop wrinkles and our faces and other areas of our bodies begin to sag as we get older. Although this is natural, ... 23rd October 2009 What to Expect After a Tummy Tuck Procedure Have you thought about undergoing a Denver cosmetic surgery to take care of that unwanted fat around your abdominal area? Surgeries to get rid of that loosened and ugly looking skin around your belly is increasingly common. Denver tummy tucks are your a... 22nd October 2009 Choosing Liposuction as a Means of Controlling Your Weight No one really chooses to be overweight. Who wouldn't want to have a thin, sexy body? It's what we see everyday on the covers of magazines and on television. The sad truth remains that no matter how hard we try there are far too many factors working agains... 22nd October 2009 You've lost the Weight, Now What? The Denver metro area has a fairly large population of people who are health-conscious. For many, that means trimming down, and that's a good thing. There are a couple of problems, however for those of us who are past our first bloom. We can lose the ... 23rd September 2009 Denver Cosmetic Surgery for All Reasons Denver Cosmetic Surgery for All Reasons The term "cosmetic surgery" is a broad one that can refer to a large number of different procedures that range from simple collagen injections and botox treatments to full facial reconstruction. Between those two... 23rd September 2009 Understanding the Basics of Cosmetic Surgery and You Everyone has a part of their body they are not happy with and would love to change permanently. Some people don't like the shape of their noses, while others choose Denver tummy tucks to smooth out their midsection. Each person has their own reasons and ... 22nd September 2009 Two Popular Procedures: Denver Face Lifts And Colorado Liposuction Although there are many different types of plastic surgery procedures available, there are two that tend to be requested time and again, and they are Danver face lifts and Colorado liposuction. Time, genetics and environmental conditions can cause the sk... 23rd August 2009 For An Enhanced Appearance, Consider Denver Plastic Surgery You may have been unhappy about a particular part of your body for many years, and are now thinking about taking steps to correct that feature. Denver cosmetic surgery may be the answer for which you are looking. Rejuvenating Denver plastic surgery can ... 23rd August 2009 Transform Your Face to Its Younger Self through Face Lift Surgeries Let's face the harsh truth about age. As we get older, so does our skin. While you don't notice it right away, your face is often the first victim of age and its effects. I'm talking about wrinkles and they appear in different areas of the face in all sh... 20th August 2009 Is a Plastic Surgery Procedure the Right Decision for You? Do you know someone who has recently undergone Denver cosmetic surgery? Can you see a difference in their personality and self-esteem? That's because the majority of plastic surgery patients begin to feel better about them and feel increased self confid... 20th August 2009 Make Your Body Beautiful Again Through Cosmetic Surgery Have you thought about the possibilities of cosmetic surgery but made the mistake of believing it was only for the Hollywood elite? This is misconception couldn't be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, everyone and anyone can be a candidate for ... 18th June 2009