Deon Du Plessis's Articles en-us Streatch Marks - Using Balms To Get Rid Of The Scars Stretchmarks are unsightly stained lines that form on the skin. These lines are typically present on the surface of the skin, and may show up in awesome numbers and cannot be covered up. You'll find instances where stretchmarks are so deep that they can b... 18th February 2010 Is this Uncommon Diet Mistake Making You Overweight? All of us have got our issues why we are fat. For many of us the blame game is a never ending loop of the reason why we turned fat in the first place. Although the majority of of us have several really good explanations for being fat, it won't make you lo... 12th February 2010 WoW Power Leveling - The Fastest Way To Level 80 If you're a WoW gamer, then you know that leveling to level 70 or 80 can take a lot of time. While most of the top players can now get to level 80 in as little as 7 days, the average player will probably take twice as long. This is where power leveling co... 26th August 2009 Fast Horde Leveling - A Great Tip You Should Try If you picked the horde faction, then you should know about the power leveling techniques that most people use today for either faction. The one way to power level is to have a friend that is willing to give a few hours or half hour of him or her time. Th... 18th August 2009 Why is Losing Weight So Tough? If you've been on the diet treadmill then you know just how tough it is to lose weight. We all want to look great and we all want to have that body that we know we would be happy with, but why is it that so few people ever get there. Why is it so hard and... 16th July 2009