Harvey Chichester's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Now Encapsulate Contaminated Materials to Remedy Pollution Problems. Remediation of pollution can be expensive and technically difficult. Now many state and local pollution control agencies have found that encapsulating contaminated concrete is the most economical and long lasting solution for existing contamination. 100%... http://www.articleheaven.net/now-encapsulate-contaminated-materials-to-remedy-pollution-problems-2037488.html 16th February 2011 Train like fuel efficient Interstates Highways while cut Billions in construction needs. In 1996 dollars, the Federal Highway Administration has calculated the "weighted rural and urban combined" costs per mile of interstate highway to be $20.6 million. But simple Interstate Highway rule changes combined with off the shelf technology could a... http://www.articleheaven.net/train-like-fuel-efficient-interstates-highways-while-cut-billions-in-construction-needs-1449959.html 16th March 2010 Convoy Drafting could generate $50 Billion in US fuel savings each year. When you ride a bike on your own you need to overcome wind resistance it accounts for about 80% of your effort @ 32kmh (20Mph). If you ride behind something that has already disturbed the air, then most of the air that you pass through is moving closer to... http://www.articleheaven.net/convoy-drafting-could-generate-50-billion-in-us-fuel-savings-each-year-1446633.html 15th March 2010