Jennifer Lewis's Articles en-us Hybrid Apps Will Rule Over Enterprise App Stores Various studies have revealed that the rising trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) will force enterprises to think about hybrid HTML5 apps in the future. They also reveal how this trend will continue to be a better news for Apple than it if for Microsoft... 26th June 2015 Out Of the Box Points to Consider While Selecting an Enterprise App Development Company Selection of an appropriate mobile app developer to develop enterprise apps for your consumers and employees is very important for a company. If this process is concluded cleverly and carefully, the results will be long lasting and your app will pay you b... 26th June 2015 Tips To Control and Manage Mobility Expenses The revolution of tablets, smart phones, mobile apps and mobility is exploding everywhere and taking everything in its grasp. The business sector has also been completely covered by the sheet called enterprise mobility and so is the healthcare sector. Thi... 26th June 2015 Role of Mobile Apps in Transforming Supply Chain The collaboration between business intelligence (BI) and wireless enabled mobile devices will transform supply chain management in a couple of ways. Firstly, it will allow app developers to develop back-end apps for the use of employees and secondly, it w... 26th June 2015 How Mobile Insurance Apps Helps Users and Companies Smart phones and mobile apps have influenced every business sector and insurance sector has felt its pressure too. Seeing the growing trend of mobile apps and the number of smart phone users, insurance companies have started paying serious attention towar... 26th June 2015 ERP Benefits Given by Cloud Computing to Small Business Owners Cloud computing has no doubt, opened the gates of opportunities for small and medium sized business owners as they can use all the business techniques that were once limited to their larger counterparts. This new and innovative way of data access or manag... 26th June 2015 Tips To Choose the Best MAM Solution for Your Business For deploying a successful mobility culture in the enterprise, business owners have to consider a number of elements like the mobile devices, applications, expenses, management, policies and terms of usage. Amidst all, Mobile Access Management (MAM) plays... 25th June 2015 How HTML5 Scores over Native Apps for Building Enterprise Apps The advent of smart phones and other smart devices like tablets, phablets has initiated an unquenchable craze for mobiles apps and mobility across business owners as well. In earlier times, the mobile app development was possible by cresting an app on the... 18th June 2015 Use Mobile Apps to Minimize Employee Training Hassles The issue of employee training is enough for a business owner to spend 3-4 sleepless nights before the big day. The biggest challenge is to arrange a training co-ordinator who is ready to take this daunting task, as he has to herd his trainees and push th... 18th June 2015 How to Manage Third Party Apps in an Enterprise Network A few weeks back, I was in the US for a business meeting and happened to participate in the panel that was discussing about how enterprises can regulate the entry of third party apps and mobile devices in their corporate network. I believe this was the ri... 18th June 2015 Is Low Cost iPhone in the Pipeline of Apple Developers? There are many benefits that users can derive from their smart phones apart from just making calls, sending texts and clicking the images. These benefits incorporate features ranging from listening music to accessing mobile apps and you can seek many more... 18th June 2015 Importance of Mobile App Testing for Enterprises While reading an e-journal few days back, I came across something very interesting. It said that in a few years for now, we would witness pilot-less airplanes carrying passengers across the globe. We have already experienced how Drone fighter planes have ... 18th June 2015 Does Size Matter? Question Prevails in Mobile Apps World Also There is no doubt about the bouquet of advantages that a business owner receives by implementing mobility in his workplace. The trend of mobile apps has increased mobility, connectivity, coordination and lastly, employee's productivity. However, experts s... 18th June 2015 Step-By-Step Setup of Cloud Computing As a business owner, you must have heard about the benefits that cloud computing concept bestows on businesses. They would be certainly alluring you to adopt cloud computing and there is no doubt that this could be a turning point for your business. Howev... 18th June 2015 Issues Surrounding Enterprise Apps Submission in an App Store We all are fully aware of the fact that smart phones and mobile apps rule our current the human race. More than half of US population now owns a smart phone. In terms of business sector, combination of smart phones and BYOD has led 30 percent of mobile se... 18th June 2015 3 Mobile Strategies that CIOs should Work Upon The main target of a CIO of any company across the globe is to innovate and transform his business. Enterprise mobility gives CIOs, a perfect launching pad to deliver business value such as revenue growth and agility. These mobile apps make company system... 17th June 2015 Business Features of the Upcoming iOS 7 In the previous versions of its operating system, Apple focussed primarily on the consumer market. However, the company never made business owners feel "left out" while using them. With the announcement of iOS 7, Apple has attempted to develop software, w... 17th June 2015 Unique Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses Organizations from across the globe are mutually praising cloud computing and its benefits like cost savings, flexibility, elasticity, scalability, load bursting, and storage on demand. These are few most known benefits of cloud computing and no doubt bus... 17th June 2015 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Own Business Apps The popularity of mobile apps is taking an enormous shape now and it has become essential for a business owner to have business apps to stay in the competition. Getting an app is not expensive at all, as the advent of numerous app development companies ha... 17th June 2015 How Effective iOS 7 would be for Entrepreneurs Apple has transformed the entire OS designing industry with the design of iOS 7. It has given it a much-needed refresh, up-to-date, cleaner look and feel. After the formal announcement of iOS 7 at WWDC, rumours were that Apple has once again focussed on g... 17th June 2015 Hidden Features of iOS 7 iOS 7 is still in its beta stage and ever since its announcement at WWDC, it has fascinated everyone. Every day, it is displaying one or the other stunning feature making this version of Apple's Operating System worth waiting. Everyone knows many features... 17th June 2015 Most Preferred Features of Business Apps Here are some wacky statistics coming your way. Business owners in the US have saved more than 725 million working hours by using business apps ever since business apps emerged. These apps have helped them save USD 377/month, which they would spend on han... 17th June 2015 Essentials of a Successful Business App that Every Business Owner Should Know The countdown is on and very soon, we will see desktops and laptops being replaced by smart phones and devices because of their functionality and usability factor. This bang in the smart phone industry has made business owners think seriously about using ... 17th June 2015 Why Business Apps Fail? In the last few years, we have witnessed a sudden boom in the demand of smart phones, tablets and iPads etc. This has increased the demand of mobile apps and forced app developing companies to rethink about their strategies to meet the augmented demand of... 17th June 2015 What Most US App Developers Lack? The latest data retrieved from Apple reveals that by July 5th this year, 55,750,000 iPhones 5 have been sold worldwide. This data looks cool but the surprising part is that around 5,150,000 units were sold in the first two months of its release. In additi... 08th April 2015 Importance of iOS While Dealing with the US Consumers In the first three months of 2013, Android managed to capture around 65 percent of the global market in smart phone sales. However, if app sales and downloads are taken into consideration, iOS apps have been dominating the mobile application markets. If c... 08th April 2015 Upcoming Trends in the US Mobile Apps Industry Mobile phones have ruled over the communication world for more than a decade now and helped millions in shaping their lives according to their preferences. Continuous advancements in mobile phone industry led to the birth of smart phones and since then, t... 08th April 2015 Gamification Simplifying the Interaction between Employees and Employers In future, IT admin who will successfully gamify their offices will have their salary packages doubled. Gamification is looked upon as a feasible option for businesses, as they are continually looking for new ways to improve interaction at a workplace. Th... 08th April 2015 Success Factors for Enterprise Mobile Apps Following the ongoing trend, businesses are paying huge attention towards enabling their enterprise apps to stay connected with their employees, partners and customers in a better way. However, most businesses are still unaware of the technicalities of en... 08th April 2015 Social Enterprise Apps The Next Big Thing for Enterprises The massive popularity of enterprise apps is driven by many factors and adoption of enterprise social networking apps holds a major position amongst them. These apps have proven their usability in increasing sales, productivity, improving customer service... 08th April 2015 Collaborative Cloud and Its Benefits to an Enterprise Everyone has been writing about the impacts, benefits, that and that of cloud computing and many other similar topics. However, many off-the-league topics are standing around the core topic bearing the same importance as the main topic when discussed. Clo... 08th April 2015 What Cloud Computing has in Store for Enterprises The cloud computing concept hit the world surprisingly and created a deep impact on those who adopted it. It is said that it is still in infancy and is expected to reveal more surprises in the future. This fact has made enterprises and business owners pon... 08th April 2015 Introduction to the Grown Up HTML 5 The growth in the demand of smart phones and tablets has affected the demand of native mobile apps used for general and business purposes. In many countries across the world, developers have been hugely successful in bringing features of a desktop into ta... 08th April 2015 Enterprise Apps Stores (EAS) Emerging as Saviours for Enterprises Earlier it was very difficult for a company's IT section to impart enterprise apps to the employees who were working remotely on their own devices. Gone are the days, when IT section had full control over company owned devices and tools. The BYOD concept ... 08th April 2015