DanielTorelli's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com "Do I Need a Permit for That?" When you're getting ready to take on a home renovation project, you've got a ton of expenses and responsibilities to worry about… Is everything going to fit into your budget? Did you buy enough paint? Is the tile guy going to show up on time? What happ... http://www.articleheaven.net/do-i-need-a-permit-for-that-2436035.html 06th November 2012 Buy or Rent? Surprising New Numbers For decades, people rented apartments, condos, and even small houses in hopes that they could one day save up enough money to buy a house of their own. After all, renting has always been cheaper -- and you didn't have to worry about things like maintenan... http://www.articleheaven.net/buy-or-rent--surprising-new-numbers-2436034.html 06th November 2012