John Matthew's Articles en-us Comeback athletes for the London Olympic 2012 Olympic Games have always showcased and provided platform to all those athletes who decided to make a comeback in the sport they love the most. From Romanian gymnast Catalina Ponor to that of the American cyclist Kristin Armstrong, all have been the sourc... 08th August 2012 Ups and Downs of Airlines’ Business and the Ultimate Sufferers First Kingfisher Airlines’ financial crisis and then hike in crude oil prices, both these factors have contributed to the present crises in Indian airlines industry. Let’s see what actions these companies are taking to overcome these problems. One’s lo... 20th July 2012 The Most Popular and Expensive Paintings of the World “The Scream” has set a new world record. This painting by the renowned artist Edvard Munch has become the most expensive painting in the world sold through an auction. Still it is not the most expensive one yet; let us have a look at other artworks that a... 20th July 2012 Is Upgrading the Shelter Homes Enough? Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board is planning to modernize the shelter homes in Delhi and is also building few more shelters for homeless. But will that be enough to keep the homeless away from the street sides at night? Delhi Urban Shelter Improve... 16th July 2012