pbforum's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Different forms of arts Like any other things, art has evolved over a long period of time. Each of these evolutions has created different forms of art. Whatever form of art we see, its main characteristic is the same. It is pleasing to the senses and it expresses the feelings ... http://www.articleheaven.net/different-forms-of-arts-2425947.html 14th May 2012 Indian Painting Styles: A cultural kaleidoscope India and arts share a relationship even before the civilizations were announced. We have always envisaged our deepest thoughts into concrete masterpieces like poetry, sculptures, scriptures and chiefly paintings. From the ancient friezes to the royal por... http://www.articleheaven.net/indian-painting-styles-a-cultural-kaleidoscope-2425801.html 02nd May 2012