Duy Nguyen's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Selecting Christmas Gifts For Children: Top 5 Ugly Things You Must Avoid At All Cost According to my experience, choosing a good gift for your special someone is hard. It’s even truer when that person is our beloved kids. Most people think that they know the secrets, but I don’t think so. There are many people making big mistakes when ... http://www.articleheaven.net/selecting-christmas-gifts-for-children-top-5-ugly-things-you-must-avoid-at-all-cost-2397048.html 07th December 2011 Home Speaker Installation: 4 Brief And Simple Guidelines To Complete The Mission In No Time! The requirement of entertainment at home is raising nowadays. Many people are leaning forward sitting at home watching the newest block buster movies than going to the cinemas. And it's very understandable. We are now receiving so many advanced technol... http://www.articleheaven.net/home-speaker-installation-4-brief-and-simple-guidelines-to-complete-the-mission-in-no-time-2392760.html 23rd November 2011 My Favorite 4 Interesting Ideas to Entertain Yourself At Home Without Burning Too Much Time And Mone The advice is basically simple. It's to take good use of your home time and get yourself relaxed at the same time. By doing that you still have a good amount of time to work and a fair amount of it for relaxing. As we're chatting about this, I see tha... http://www.articleheaven.net/my-favorite-4-interesting-ideas-to-entertain-yourself-at-home-without-burning-too-much-time-and-mone-2391800.html 21st November 2011 Selecting A Good Electric Bass Guitar: 3 Helpful Tips To Help You Put Up Better Decisions You’re gonna purchase your very first electric bass guitar to satisfy your biggest wish? You want to play it like a professional bass guitarist and show your friends what you can do and how great it is? OK, I know. But wait for a moment friend, you're ... http://www.articleheaven.net/selecting-a-good-electric-bass-guitar-3-helpful-tips-to-help-you-put-up-better-decisions-2387638.html 14th November 2011 Picking A Decent Electric Bass Guitar: 3 Portable Guidelines To Help You Put Up Better Decisions You’re gonna buy your very first electric bass guitar to fulfill your burning desire? You want to play it like a pro and show your friends what you can do and how wonderful it is? OK, I know. But wait for a moment friend, you're dreaming too far! Do yo... http://www.articleheaven.net/picking-a-decent-electric-bass-guitar-3-portable-guidelines-to-help-you-put-up-better-decisions-2387637.html 14th November 2011 5 Ideas Of Gifts I Bet Your Dad Will Appreciate! I'm going to share with you 5 ideas. But before we talk about them, let me rephrase what we already knew. We should change the "Men like practicality, so give your dad something practical" into "Men like practicality, so give your dad something practical ... http://www.articleheaven.net/5-ideas-of-gifts-i-bet-your-dad-will-appreciate-2342086.html 01st September 2011