johngailey's Articles en-us Want To Discover How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks The most typical problem that many people have is stretch marks. This problem is frequent among pregnant or expecting mothers as well as individuals who have either lost or gained weight. Stretch marks are noticeable scars on the skin which are generally ... 23rd August 2011 Methods To Discover How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Stretch marks are classified as the thin lines which can be seen on the surface of the body that are usually the result of the growth or too much stretching of the skin. These marks are viewed as a weakness in the layers on the skin because they increase ... 10th August 2011 How You Can Eliminate Stretch Marks The Natural and Safe Way It is everyone’s fear to see stretchmarks on their body, but the sad truth is that we are all prone to have these frustrating marks on our skin. It really is wrong to believe that only being pregnant can cause a woman to develop stretch marks. A change in... 10th August 2011 Very Easy Methods to Fade Stretch Marks If you've just had a child, dropped or even gained some weight then chances are you have some ugly stretch marks. Not anyone wants to have them but still generally they can be permanent. Within a few years if you are fortunate enough the marks could fade ... 06th July 2011