Donald Fryel's Articles en-us Useful Hints To Lose Those Pounds With Cardiovascular Exercises Far too many people believe the hype surrounding the vast array of "miracle weight loss" products available on the market. The advertising spiel usually promises an easy, fast way to lose weight without having to bother with exercise. Your body should ide... 28th June 2011 Understanding The Reasons That Abnormal Weight Loss May Occur Whilst most of us are trying to lose some weight, some people out there are experiencing abnormal weight loss, which is worrying for them. There are some serious and not so serious reasons for this. If you do experience a lot of weight loss and you're not... 28th June 2011 Parenting Approaches for Later Teen Years Being a parent is hard work, and as a parent you'll already know this. But, parents can help themselves by taking certain steps that will make the difficult and trying times easier. The first step you must take is to learn about the best ways of dealing w... 23rd June 2011