Dave Hudson's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Top Five Methods of Hair Removal 5) Waxing and Plucking – this method is inexpensive relatively time consuming and painful. Whether you use this method may depend on how valuable your time is. 4) Hair Removal Creams. Manufacturers of the creams do not say they are permanent, however t... http://www.articleheaven.net/top-five-methods-of-hair-removal-2266390.html 07th June 2011 HTML5 & Android, Blackberry and iPhone Apps HTML4, which is the standard that has guided web browser implementation for over a decade, is being replaced with HTML5. HTML4, together with JavaScript and CSS 2, made up the three foundation pillars that have defined websites for the last 10 years. I... http://www.articleheaven.net/html5--android-blackberry-and-iphone-apps-2256815.html 31st May 2011