Thomas275's Articles en-us A brief description about various types of natural tan and their advantages Majority of natural tan obtained by prolonged exposure to sun will last for long time in the skin. Mostly, people will have the wish to make a tan which stays for a longer time which may be either natural or artificial. Artificial tanning products will pr... 09th September 2011 Strategies to Safeguard the Skin The days have gone where men and women used low protection sun tan lotion to give a bronze look to their skin. Within the present scenario these sun tan lotions are utilised to safeguard the skin from the dangerous light rays from the sun, anyway there ar... 20th June 2011 Strategies to preserve your skin You may be practicing the following techniques like cleansing, exfoliating and also the complete nine yards to place an finish to your oily skin. In spite from the above practices your oil glands will create excessive sebum and all that oil will make you ... 23rd May 2011 Ways to Get Tan Utilizing Organic Tan With all the support of most current technologies the tans are available all through the year. Skin specialists and also the individuals from cancer society are spreading awareness amongst the folks regarding the negative effects of prolonged tanning eith... 19th May 2011