joaomanuelsmith's Articles en-us Can You Start a Recording Studio And Be Successfull? There's two main reasons why someone would want to start their own recording studio. To build a career and business by renting it out to others or to have their own private studio to use when and how they please. If set up properly there's no reason yo... 19th July 2011 Say Hello to the the H2 Zoom Recorder The H2 Zoom... is it the best digital recorder out there? No, but it's being compared to pro models going for 3 times the price. It's quite small (2.5 x 4.3 x 1.3 inches) but this Zoom Recorder is equipted with double the microphones as it's competitors. ... 25th May 2011 My Personal H2 Zoom Review While the Zoom Recorder isn't the very best handheld stereo recorder you can get I've seen a few professional models selling for 2 to 3 times as much. And even though its smaller in size (2.5 x 4.3 x 1.3 inches) the H2 Zoom has twice the number of onboard... 23rd May 2011 My Review Of The H2 Zoom Recorder While the Zoom Recorder isn't the very best handheld stereo recorder you can get I've seen a few professional models selling for 2 to 3 times as much. And even though its smaller in size (2.5 x 4.3 x 1.3 inches) the H2 Zoom has twice the number of onboard... 23rd May 2011