BJ Krintzman's Articles en-us Is Lexington divorce attorney better than Wellesley divorce attorney? At the time of marriage, the wedding couple vows to stay glued with each other for their rest of life. There are some religions like Hinduism, where wedding couple vows in front God that they will be never separated for not a single lifetime but for next ... 26th September 2011 How to Select a Good Divorce Attorney In today’s fast-paced life, human relationships are becoming increasingly fragile and difficult to maintain. Divorces have become very common among young couples. But even then, divorce involves very complicated legal procedures. Couples seeking divorce n... 19th July 2011 How to hire a Divorce attorney In the present days, with the increasing number of divorce cases, divorce attorney generals can be found plenty in number when you to go a court or Lawyers’ association. However, it becomes a matter of challenge to figure out the qualified attorney genera... 02nd June 2011