ashleycarron's Articles en-us How to Determine Embroidery Digitizing? Every online company promises fast embroidery design service because that is what clients need, but there is much to be said about the programs that come from these digitizers that work so swiftly. Poorly designed programs can cost the end user in some wa... 24th October 2011 Who Benefits from Offshore Custom Embroidery Digitizing? If you have a production business that feeds from creative design, it might seem like the sensible decision to have your own design team. If you have a good crew that you have paid continually, even though there are times when you don't need them as much ... 12th October 2011 The Best Reasons for Outsourcing Custom Embroidery Digitizing Outsourcing embroidery digitizing is popular because of the many problems that companies have experienced when they have attempted to bring that process in house. Even though there may seem to be more control of the custom embroidering business when every... 12th October 2011 Outsource Digitizing Saves the Small Company Investment Many small companies supply digitizing services to both individuals and business enterprises. Many of them have the digitizing of the images or files used to run the software in their sewing machines done by outside contractors. What sells this service is... 28th September 2011