Katie Hallison's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Why You Should Not Let Yourself Go Unlovely A lot of people say: When you look good, you feel good. Choosing a good look is subjective; that is, what appears good to some may appear bad to others. This means that there’s no excuse in not trying your best to look good. Good looks have a lot more to ... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-you-should-not-let-yourself-go-unlovely-2345832.html 09th September 2011 When Do Women Start Worrying About Skin Aging? Aging is one of those most sought-to-be-prevented but inevitable part of everybody’s life. When you grow old, your body starts losing some of its functions: your vision blurs, your hair thins, and your back hurts. When people grow old, they also lose the ... http://www.articleheaven.net/when-do-women-start-worrying-about-skin-aging-2345825.html 09th September 2011 What is Actinic keratosis? Actinic keratosis, or solar keratosis, is a skin disease caused by continual too much exposure to the sun. These are lesions caused by ultraviolet rays, which are also likely to be malignant. Actinic keratosis lesions grow on the skin which is continually... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-is-actinic-keratosis-2345816.html 09th September 2011 Functions and Effects of Cosmetic Botox Injections Botox is made from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This is similar to botulism bacteria, which causes food poisoning. Yet despite this threat, Botox has been proven to be useful and effective for cosmetic surgeries. That is why a lot of people are sti... http://www.articleheaven.net/functions-and-effects-of-cosmetic-botox-injections-2345801.html 09th September 2011 Why You Have Puffy Sagging Eye Bags Every morning while you brush your teeth in front of the mirror, you ask yourself what kind of human being you see. Am I a brushing panda or a brushing raccoon? You don’t have to do that every day. Instead, ask yourself how you got those big dark circles ... http://www.articleheaven.net/why-you-have-puffy-sagging-eye-bags-2345794.html 09th September 2011 Eyelid Surgery Towards a Better Vision and Appearance Eyelid surgery, or scientifically called blepharoplasty, is a procedure in cosmetic surgery that involves the removal of excess tissue in the eyelid which is desired to improve the function and overall appearance of the eye. The result may give a younger ... http://www.articleheaven.net/eyelid-surgery-towards-a-better-vision-and-appearance-2345786.html 09th September 2011 Is Cosmetic Surgery an Answer for Beauty Woes? Cosmetic surgery is typically done to repair or correct a physical abnormality or to enhance an already normal physical feature of the body. It is sought to subsequently improve the appearance of the body. The surgery is an unusually broad area that can r... http://www.articleheaven.net/is-cosmetic-surgery-an-answer-for-beauty-woes-2345782.html 09th September 2011 Chemical Peels: Are They Much Safer Than Botox? Moon crater is jokingly referred to the marks caused by pimple marks. This is no laughing matter at all. Getting dubbed as the human moon crater is not a really good joke at all. First of all, why does one get a lot of pimples? Some pimples even cause ... http://www.articleheaven.net/chemical-peels-are-they-much-safer-than-botox-2345751.html 09th September 2011 Botox: Its Benefits and Relative Ease So you want to look younger and fresh beyond your years can tell. Clearly, who doesn’t want to look younger and have that baby-faced appearance after all those years of stress and hard work? Who doesn’t want to discover that mythical fountain of youth? ... http://www.articleheaven.net/botox-its-benefits-and-relative-ease-2345734.html 09th September 2011 Cosmetic Surgery: The Wonder Science The art of beautifying one’s self nowadays seem to be the craze among people, especially women. The notion of being beautiful in this technology-infused world can be confined to an attractive set of buttocks, a body to die for and an equally angelic face ... http://www.articleheaven.net/cosmetic-surgery-the-wonder-science-2345677.html 09th September 2011 Ways Of Locating The Top Plastic Surgeon If you wish to have a plastic surgery to make you feel and look better, finding the best surgeon is very important. Locating any kind of doctor can be stressful especially if you are trying to find the top plastic surgeon in your locale. It is not a type... http://www.articleheaven.net/ways-of-locating-the-top-plastic-surgeon-2290801.html 21st June 2011 What To Know About Skin Resurfacing With the media displaying youth and beauty obsession, more and more people have become conscious with their physique and has become aware of the available measures that can be employed to what they think is wrong with their physical look. One of the issue... http://www.articleheaven.net/what-to-know-about-skin-resurfacing-2290799.html 21st June 2011 Facial Plastic Surgery and Some of its Common Types The advances of technology in various facial products and surgical facilities continue to take beauty enhancing to a higher level. In these times, almost any part of a person’s face can be changed with the application of new aesthetic applications. Pla... http://www.articleheaven.net/facial-plastic-surgery-and-some-of-its-common-types-2290788.html 21st June 2011 An Overview of Blepharoplasty Few years ago, Asian people had the desire to achieve a Caucasian look for various reasons. Many of them settled to undergo a process called blepharoplasty to reduce the sagging of their lower and upper eyelids. Nowadays, although a number of Asian men... http://www.articleheaven.net/an-overview-of-blepharoplasty-2290786.html 21st June 2011 The Beauty of Eyelid Surgery The easiest way to look good is to have a healthy lifestyle and to exercise. However, as proven effective as these may be, these cannot combat the natural effects of aging to our body. A healthy diet can ensure a longer life and a healthier body, while ex... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-beauty-of-eyelid-surgery-2290785.html 21st June 2011 Understanding Blepharoplasty It is amusing to see how people see problems with themselves, especially with their physical appearance that even the slightest line or sagginess causes a big dilemma. Thankfully, there are now procedures that answer the many aesthetic concerns of people ... http://www.articleheaven.net/understanding-blepharoplasty-2290782.html 21st June 2011 Defining a Good Cosmetic Surgeon If you already got your mind fixed on undergoing a cosmetic surgery, then the only thing you should think about is who to trust to get it done for you. Of course, what you need is a good cosmetic surgeon who will not put you in any danger and will cater t... http://www.articleheaven.net/defining-a-good-cosmetic-surgeon-2290778.html 21st June 2011 Knowing Chemical Peel Treatment Do you wish to have some facial improvements but are afraid of surgical cosmetic procedures? Worry no more, chemical peels have long been made available for beauty-conscious people like you. Chemical peels are non-surgical cosmetic procedure that only us... http://www.articleheaven.net/knowing-chemical-peel-treatment-2290777.html 21st June 2011 Additional Facts About Botox There are wide arrays of cosmetic procedures nowadays that are made available to the public. Most of them help people to look better; some of these procedures can also boost ones’ self-confidence to face the people around them. People undergoing these kin... http://www.articleheaven.net/additional-facts-about-botox-2290766.html 21st June 2011 All About The Blepharoplasty Procedure Did you ever think that your eyes are your best asset? If you are unsure because you happen to have droopy eyelids, worry no more because you can now repair your weary eyelids through blepharoplasty procedure. Blepharoplasty is a method of removing excess... http://www.articleheaven.net/all-about-the-blepharoplasty-procedure-2290763.html 21st June 2011 Getting the Best Plastic Surgeons Being perfectly healthy and happy is only two of the most important things that almost all of us want to accomplish in life. Health and happiness may go hand in hand with each other in terms of being satisfied with the way we look. Thus, it is counterprod... http://www.articleheaven.net/getting-the-best-plastic-surgeons-2229432.html 16th May 2011 Things You Need To Look For Your Cosmetic Surgeon Many people want to look as good and as young as they can be. This can be done through the help of a cosmetic surgeon. In order for a cosmetic surgery to be successful, there are many things that one has to look at, including the person who will do the al... http://www.articleheaven.net/things-you-need-to-look-for-your-cosmetic-surgeon-2229430.html 16th May 2011 Skin Resurfacing and Botox Before Your Florida Wedding So he’s finally popped the question. After the rush of the proposal wears out, the reality of planning a wedding sets in. You start to think about the dresses, the food, and the guests. You begin making lists of things to buy, goals to achieve, and people... http://www.articleheaven.net/skin-resurfacing-and-botox-before-your-florida-wedding-2175578.html 08th April 2011 Preparing for Eyelid Surgery in Tampa, Florida It’s not a crime to want to preserve youth, which is why a lot of people consider cosmetic surgery as one of their options to achieve that goal. These people often want to enhance the appearance of their faces because it is where the signs of aging are mo... http://www.articleheaven.net/preparing-for-eyelid-surgery-in-tampa-florida-2175574.html 08th April 2011 Chemical Peels for Special Occasions in Tampa, Florida You’ve found the perfect dress and the shoes to go with it. The details of your hairstyle have been ironed out. But as you look in the mirror, trying to envision yourself in your outfit, you notice that your wrinkles and other skin issues are screaming fo... http://www.articleheaven.net/chemical-peels-for-special-occasions-in-tampa-florida-2175572.html 08th April 2011 Noninvasive Cosmetic Procedures in Tampa, Florida Although technological advancements have made cosmetic surgery procedures safer than they were before, a lot of people still have apprehensions about undergoing these treatments. Even if they want to receive the benefits of cosmetic enhancement, they coul... http://www.articleheaven.net/noninvasive-cosmetic-procedures-in-tampa-florida-2175570.html 08th April 2011