Swarjit's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Giving A Ray Of Hope To The People Through Video Conference! Do you believe in technology that can help disease-ridden people living in isolated areas to get connect with the doctors or expert physicians who reside far distance places in the metros? Yes I do believe. Technologies are making it possible. One of such... http://www.articleheaven.net/giving-a-ray-of-hope-to-the-people-through-video-conference-2433572.html 13th August 2012 How To Choose The Best Video Conferencing Provider Communication is the best medium to get and share knowledge. There are many ways through which you can communicate with other people. Mobile communications changed the world, and you share get and share new and information very quickly. Video conferencing... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-choose-the-best-video-conferencing-provider-2433317.html 08th August 2012 Video conferencing – A Trendy future As of now we cannot imagine an office with out internet, emails and the telephones. One can visualise that the day is not far when their will be no office with out Video conferencing. Video conferencing has been accepted world wide as an industry requi... http://www.articleheaven.net/video-conferencing--a-trendy-future-2248393.html 25th May 2011