Roony Dcosta's Articles en-us DISASTER PLANNING in SAN DIEGO Research conducted independently by UCLA and the San Diego Office of Emergency Services shows that just 22% of southern Californians consider that they are prepared in some way, shape or form for an earthquake, while the majority of residents have done ve... 10th May 2011 EARTHQUAKE CABINET LATCHES in HAYWARD - EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS With earthquakes constantly in the news lately, so too earthquake preparedness is uppermost in people’s minds right now and something anyone in an earthquake zone should be considering is the installation of earthquake cabinet latches in Hayward. T... 03rd May 2011 EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS PLAN for SIMI VALLEY Take the two most recent earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan as examples - neither one of them had anything whatsoever to do with meteorological conditions. They were caused by tectonic plates shifting underground which released massive amounts of ene... 13th April 2011 EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS TIPS in WHITTIER By now you probably know that because of their unpredictable nature, earthquakes can happen anywhere at any time, so earthquake preparedness tips in Whittier could be the difference between getting through a quake relatively unscathed and losing everyth... 29th March 2011 EARTHQUAKE SAFETY FASTENERS in HAWTHORNE The first step to earthquake safety is to identify potential hazards around your home and fix them with earthquake safety fasteners in Hawthorne. The reason that’s the number 1 thing to do is because most injuries in an earthquake are caused when peo... 23rd March 2011 EARTHQUAKE SAFETY LOS ANGELES – SAFETY FASTENERS If you’re new to an earthquake zone like Los Angeles for example, you may not be aware of the need for earthquake safety fasteners Los Angeles to protect your flat screen TVs because you might not even be thinking about earthquakes. Well, southern Ca... 21st March 2011