chenghuiling's Articles en-us Fighting Dark Under Eyes Circles Fighting Dark Under Eyes Circles Dark under eyes circles is a common problem and can really be quite a depressing one as it is not easy to rectify. No one wants to walk around looking like a raccoon on the prowl, it just does not look aesthetically app... 04th April 2011 Premature Aging No More - Fight Your Wrinkles Premature Aging No More - Fight Your Wrinkles Skin ages as you age We often equate good skin to attractiveness, which is why we do not hesitate to spend money and time to care for our skin, trying to protect it from all possible elements of damage. ... 28th March 2011 Unsightly Skin Pigmentation – Avoid them 10 years ahead! Unsightly Skin Pigmentation – Avoid them 10 years ahead! Hyper-pigmentation also known as age spots caused by the sun’s rays, it can also be caused by hormones issues. Hyper-pigmentation is created throughout our lifetime through the exposure to U... 21st March 2011 Simple Skincare Tips That Work Simple Skincare Tips That Work What is skincare? Does it just involve cleansing the face and dabbing it dry? Well, for some minority out there, they are naturally blessed with such good complexion that all they need is mere cleansing. But for most of u... 21st March 2011