Jacob's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Phone Cards to Keep Students Close to Their Home The phone cards are extremely convenient for the students who are studying abroad and stay away from their parents. Phone cards are extremely easy and convenient and more over they come cheap. The globe is shrinking drastic and globalization is going ... http://www.articleheaven.net/phone-cards-to-keep-students-close-to-their-home-2146139.html 28th March 2011 International Phone Card – Bringing People Together A lot of people today travel all across the globe to peruse job opportunity and explore new avenues for a better living. These people leave a considerable part of their family behind and need to stay in touch with the roots and their own country. Now ... http://www.articleheaven.net/international-phone-card--bringing-people-together-2146132.html 28th March 2011 Benefits of Buying Online Phone Cards The online phone cards are of immense importance in today’s world where almost every single person working in software sector needs to go onsite. They need to stay away from family for days, months and even years. All they can do to catch up with the fami... http://www.articleheaven.net/benefits-of-buying-online-phone-cards-2145864.html 28th March 2011 Phone Card – Inexpensive medium of Communication Prepaid phone cards can be found anywhere. You can buy calling cards from various stores or through internet. There are several phone cards available in market. If you have been fade up with heavy phone bills and you frequently make international calls,... http://www.articleheaven.net/phone-card--inexpensive-medium-of-communication-2139589.html 23rd March 2011