LOVE FLAVA's Articles en-us Have A Fun With Listening Mix Music If you have become tired and bored in listening traditional classic music again and again, mix music can be one of the best options to refresh yourself. Remix Music will help you to become more active in terms of dancing and you can enjoy with the latest ... 21st June 2011 Mix music-tips for professional DJ’s Mixing is one of the incredibly inspiring processes. It is one way which requires more of creativity and judgment than a magistrate. Why? You have to make sure that you are in session and understand what the funs want. Remember that the funs will have dif... 27th May 2011 Music-how to mix music Most of us are not that knowledgeable I recording. Despite some of us having aspiration to produce some, music, we have not yet understood how the concept behind the music industry works. You find that the mixing of music is done in a simpler looking styl... 27th May 2011 Mix music-tips for bettering music mix If there is a subject which is elaborate and intense-it’s the music subject. You will agree that there are very many schools which are offering certificate, diplomas and mostly degree courses in music. This shows you how important the music is now becomin... 19th May 2011 Mix music-how to find the best equipment I don’t know if you are like me. I am just a person who loves to be in club enjoying what the djs’ offers for the weekend. A club is where I get to make friends within thirty minutes. A club is where I get to release off my anger, frustrations and enjoy w... 19th May 2011 Kick back music-how to find this kind of music which no other dj can get If there is something that can make the crowd go fierce, is by the dj understanding what kind of music they want, how to get them engaged and how to give them surprises for the same. However, this is not easy and thus you are going to notice only a limite... 13th May 2011 Mix music-choosing a Dj school Top those who have a calling in how to mix music, there I more than we just think of. No matter how talented you will be natural, you will require having some training-that is if you want to be among the leading djs’ and not just another dj. Music mixing ... 13th May 2011 Mix music-common mistakes to be avoided In this earth of ours, there is something which has more power than any other thing-music. Did you know that there is no way we can live without the music. Even in the olden days from the time of Jesus, there were praises and thus music started in very lo... 13th May 2011 Music Mixing Tips And Basics Always listening to loud Music is never good but you all can do it sometimes. You have to make sure that you do not harm your ears by listening music in full volume. It is essential for mixing to have your speakers and monitors are on the same level. Also... 06th May 2011 Tips To Mix Music Using Compressors In the mixing phase of Music production, there are large varieties of Hardware that you can utilize. This Hardware mostly falls into either effect or processors. A Processor is a Hardware that takes the perfect signal and manipulates it totally, entirely ... 06th May 2011 All About Music And Mixing Of Tracks Mixing is an amazing art and it’s not a science. Professionals spend a substantial amount of time in mixing a song, just because it can create such a big difference.A song which has not been assorted very well stands all but no chance at all today to reac... 04th May 2011 A Beginners Guide to Make And Mix Music Music is one of the most specific things in this World; it can influence the thoughts and feelings of the People by just listening to it in their spare time. That is as well the reason why a most of the people like each and everything about Music. They de... 28th April 2011 A Brief Review On Music Mixing Music mixing is elaborate or an intense subject. There are several schools of thought considering mixing and several tricks and tips out there to assist you with your own Home recordings. Here is a choice of tips that can build your mix better. When you w... 28th April 2011