Al Freed's Articles en-us The Cabbage Soup Recipes For The Diet -- More Than Just Diets Too All cabbage soup recipes can be tasty, not boring. Cabbages are packed with nutrition and they're cheap too. In some parts of the world cabbage is a staple of many people's diet. Cabbage is one of those foods that's associated with weight loss too. In fac... 21st March 2011 All Cabbage Soup Recipes Let You Perform Art With Cooking The Cabbage Soup Diet sounds like it's just eating cabbage soup. It's really more than soup. The soup is just a filler. You can eat all the cabbage soup you want, but you eat other food too. The cabbage soup makes for a filling ingredient that makes it so... 17th March 2011 Get The Best Dual Action Exercise Bike -- 5 Tips For Getting The Right Bike One popular type of exercise bike is the dual action bike. The Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike is the most recognizable example. These work the muscles of the upper and lower body at the same time. That's a good deal partly because it results in a more bala... 02nd March 2011