Roger's Articles en-us Choosing the best Wireless TV Speaker Systems Wireless TV speaker systems offer the homeowners more freedom when it comes to entertainment and maintenance. For one thing there is no need to deal with wires any longer and if using the radio frequency technology, speakers can even be installed outside ... 31st May 2011 Hooking Up the OC to the Wireless TV Home Theatre System One of the best things about the modern world is the wireless technology and that includes the internet. Watching TV on the internet is probably one of the most enjoyable things to do for there are lots of channels which can be accessed. But probably th... 27th May 2011 Some Disadvantages of the Wireless TV Speakers Although the thought of using wireless TV speakers is quite attractive, there are certain disadvantages which you must be aware of. There are some who use the speakers and complain that they were not satisfied with the quality of sound, that there were ... 27th May 2011 Setting Up Wireless TV Speakers to the Stereo The wireless TV speakers are just about the best things to invest in if watching TV movies and listening to great music is a hobby. It is also the perfect thing to have when you want to listen to music even when puttering in the garden. The wireless TV sp... 27th May 2011 Choosing the Best Wireless TV Speakers If you are thinking of buying wireless TV speakers for a greater viewing and listening experience, do not think that you are not going to be able to choose your own speakers without having to rely on a technician. Also, it would be a good idea not to list... 27th May 2011 The Future of Wireless TV Technology When it comes to technology today, people are expecting a lot. Wireless technology is especially in the limelight with wireless TV, wireless internet, wireless headphones, wireless everything. The best thing about it all is there is no need to deal with w... 26th May 2011 Turning Your Basic TV Into Wireless TV Probably the most used appliance in the home is the TV. It is used to watch movies, as a monitor to watch movies played on DVD players and as a monitor to play games on. Unfortunately, all this would mean messy cables. Wireless TV is probably a new techno... 26th May 2011 Wireless TV Headphones – A Choice Between the RH and the IR RH or radio frequency wireless TV headphones are just one of the accessories which many enjoy when watching shows and movies. Another popular choice is the IR or the infrared wireless TV headphone. Both are great accessories and are highly popular but wit... 25th May 2011 Radio Frequency Wireless TV Headphones Wireless TV technology is the new ‘in’ thing among those who enjoy watching TV without having to deal with cables and wires. It is neater all around and it is also much cheaper for there is no need to pay extra to get to watch a different channel from a d... 24th May 2011 Wireless TV – The Evolution of Wireless Technology Wireless TV is fast becoming an issue of debate. Many consider the technology as groundbreaking, many see it as a chance to get away from the monopoly of the cable networks while others simply see it as just another high-tech thing that is drowning the mo... 24th May 2011 The Difference Between Digital TV and HDTV Many people think that digital TV and HDTV are one and the same, this is not true. While HDTV is digital, not all digital TVs are HDTV. First of all, digital TV is a type of broadcasting that improves the television viewing experience. The digital TV ... 23rd May 2011 Digital TV Providers When it comes to TV services, digital TV is the practically the best and most logical. Many governments and broadcast networks saw the potential and have shifted from analog broadcasting to digital TV broadcasting or multicasting. However, from the consum... 23rd May 2011 Why Switching to Digital TV was Necessary Many people were surprised when all of a sudden the broadcasting networks shifted from analog to digital TV technology. A lot of consumers complained that the shift would only mean more expenses for them and having less of a chance to enjoy the benefits. ... 17th May 2011 UHF and VHF Antennas Can Receive Digital TV Signals It is true that digital TV has rendered analog TV almost obsolete so it would be safe to say that analog antennas may also need to be changed to something which can receive the digital signals. This thought can be depressing for a lot of people for upgrad... 17th May 2011 Things That May Disrupt the Digital TV Signal Digital TV transmission has been used by most networks since 2009 and because of the clarity of the videos and the crispness of the sound; many people are upgrading their TV into the flat LED and LCD which are digital TVs both. Those who cannot afford to ... 17th May 2011 Getting Familiar with Digital TV Did you know that since the second half of 2009 more and more television stations all over the country have been using digital format in their transmissions. Those who still have analog TV sets complain that many of the shows are not coming out as nice as... 17th May 2011 Backtrack and Watch Favourite TV Shows Online One of my favourite pastimes is to look for my favourite TV shows and movies and watch them on TV. My favorites are usually no longer being aired and I find it too expensive to buy all the DVD sets. My only saving grace is the internet for here I find tha... 12th May 2011 TV Nights and the Home Theatre One of the best things in life ever created was the TV, second was the home theatre. The combination of the two brings watching TV to a different level, especially when what is shown is a favourite movie on DVD. The sounds, the action, the clarity, all ar... 11th May 2011 Watching TV Online One of the best things about Broadband or high speed internet is getting to watch all of the favorites online. there are some sites which offer free viewing, there are some which offer free viewing only after the member registers and pays a once only paym... 10th May 2011 Buying Wall Mount Brackets for Your Flat TV This may be a disappointing thing to find out, but most flat TVs do not come with their own brackets while some do. In fact, there are even some brands and models where part of the package is free wall mounting by experienced technicians while others ask ... 10th May 2011 Wall Mounting Your Flat TV at Home Ever since flat TVs came out, more and more people have been excited to get hold of the new technology. These are flat and weigh less than plasma TVs which makes them easier to mount on the wall. This makes watching the best pictures coming out more of a ... 10th May 2011 Phone Via Internet – Be Careful of Those Deals! There are numerous phones via internet products offered all over the internet. Many people get confused which one to buy and which not? Many look forward to different deals and find many portals offer heavy discounts while some provide free trials, some e... 04th May 2011 Why a KPN Sim is the best one for us Whenever we go to the mall, we often see bundled packages of mobile phones, but rarely get to see deals involving sim cards only because what they are actually pushing for is the sale of the cellular phone where they stand to earn a higher profit. But wha... 28th February 2011 Quality service with a KPN Sim People often splurge on the purchase of the latest mobile phones in the market but apparently miss the point of why there is a need to have one: to be able to communicate more effectively with others in a convenient way. Having a mobile phone comes in han... 25th February 2011 Having a Freedom of Choice with a KPN Sim Thanks to the wonders of technology, you can call your friends and loved ones anytime you want. Your only problem would be finding a telephone carrier which would offer the lowest rates, so you can spend more time chatting on the phone without even worryi... 22nd February 2011 Flexibility and Freedom of choice Signing up for a Kpn sim only abonnement is practically all about freedom of choice and flexibility. Consumers are given the opportunity to create their own plans, by including the number of text messages they can send, the no. of total minutes for the ca... 21st February 2011 Comparing a phone bundled plan with a sim only When the smoke clears, all you have to do is to ask yourselves: what do you really need, a mobile phone or a sim card? Phone bundled packages are good for those planning to buy a new cellular phone, but what if you want a mere change in your service provi... 21st February 2011 Best Value For Our Money With KPN Sim Only When we purchase a sim card for our mobile phones, the first thing we consider is if it is compatible with our cellular phone or not. Then, we do a little checking on the sim cards being sold in the market and see if the telecommunication companies which ... 21st February 2011 KPN - A Sim which understands our needs It is very rare to see a company which understands the needs of its customers and as much as possible extend all kinds of assistance to help them enjoy quality services at minimal costs. KPN just does that, since its operation revolve around three core va... 18th February 2011