A Jairaj Alexander's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Omega 3- Fatty Acids in Weight Loss. Everyone is quite aware of the fact that for an effective weight loss there is a long list of food products to be avoided and similarly there is also a list of food products to be included in our diet. Sea food is present in the second mentioned list. Mu... http://www.articleheaven.net/omega-3-fatty-acids-in-weight-loss-2077574.html 28th February 2011 Say Cheers to Red Wine. Just when everyone is on the search for the best diet to have good looks as well as a healthy long life, it is surprising to note that French in spite of having an atrocious diet lived longer with a healthier life. There was absolutely no need for them to... http://www.articleheaven.net/say-cheers-to-red-wine-2064333.html 23rd February 2011