cris's Articles en-us So many choices the golden age of flatware posted by Bill Rau Dining in the Victorian-era was truly an art form. The economic prosperity of the late 19th and early 20th centuries catapulted many into the middle and upper classes, and the desire to display just how wealthy you were was of the utmost importance to mai... 01st March 2011 10 Hand care tips Many of us talk with our hands, and your hands have a lot to say about the state of your health. Your hands do so much that they really need some TLC, and it makes sense to take good care of them. Here are some tips to keep your hands looking young and be... 28th February 2011 Kids fishing is what it’s all about When it comes right down to it kids fishing is what its all about. It’s all about having fun and there are no better two words to put in the same sentence as kids and fun. Taking the kids to the local fishing hole is about the best thing you could ever... 26th February 2011 Henning showkeir We recently received an email from a dear friend and colleague with whom we are working closely to foster civil civic conversation in our community. It contained a comment she saw in a forum discussion on the website of The National Coalition for Dialogue... 18th February 2011