Rogerkane's Articles en-us Embroidery Designs form the World Over On our travels in Heraklion, we rode a little way outside the city to visit the ruins of the Palace of Knossos, which is believed to be the center of the oldest civilization in Europe, predating the Romans and the classic Greeks we read about in our liter... 18th June 2012 Embroidered Wall Hanging: The Perfect Welcome Gift My young-adult son will be moving back to Crete this week, in two days in fact. I haven’t seen him in ten months, so I am quite excited! I was done fixing up my sewing room (his old bedroom), but it is in extreme shambles right now! The only other bedr... 24th November 2011 Embroidery- The Joyful Art It is one of my strongest personal beliefs that anyone who does embroidery can never be a bad person. The art of embroidery is so subtle, so passionate that anyone who indulges in it has to be someone with a lot of perseverance and of course a very good h... 08th February 2011