GoingGreenToday's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Where Does All That Plastic Go- By Jodi Lee A legacy that will destroy the planet. It was touted as the solution to the homemaker’s drudgery. A way to ease the burden of mealtimes, dishes, the convenience of the modern world. Throw away plastic. Disposable plates, cutlery, conta... http://www.articleheaven.net/where-does-all-that-plastic-go-2147251.html 28th March 2011 10 Rain Forest Facts By Julie Hitchcock Often we think of the rainforest as an abstract idea, far from where we are with little or no link to our daily lives. This is far from the truth, below you will see how deeply you are impacted on a daily basis by the rainfores... http://www.articleheaven.net/10-rain-forest-facts-2147250.html 28th March 2011 How Coffee Aids in Deforestation of Our Rainforests By Jodi Lee More than 20 percent of the world’s oxygen comes from the Amazon Rainforest. An incredibly complex ecosystem, rainforests are a powerhouse of living and breathing renewable natural resources that for years and years provided a wealth of ... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-coffee-aids-in-deforestation-of-our-rainforests-2147248.html 28th March 2011 Green Grocery Shopping Tips By Erika Parker Price If you are searching for ways to save the environment, a great place to begin is your regular trip to the grocery store. Start by planning ahead for the week. A meal plan can ensure that you use your food wisely, which will re... http://www.articleheaven.net/green-grocery-shopping-tips-2147244.html 28th March 2011 7 Ways that Bicycling Can Save the Environment By Erika Parker Price We all learned to ride one as a child, but then sometime after we turned sixteen, most of us abandoned that sleek two-wheeled bicycle in favor of a car. If you are thinking about getting green, here are some green facts to show yo... http://www.articleheaven.net/7-ways-that-bicycling-can-save-the-environment-2147241.html 28th March 2011