Michael Rupkalvis's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Is Democracy Now Spreading Though the Middle East? It would be easy to get excited about the recent uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya and interpret them as signs that democracy is now spreading through the Middle East, but that would be premature. In fact, it could be argued that the ... http://www.articleheaven.net/is-democracy-now-spreading-though-the-middle-east-2173027.html 07th April 2011 Welcoming Back the Condor The Ventana Wildlife Society is the only organization that releases condors back into the wild in the Big Sur area of California. With a record of releasing 50 birds since 1997, this group and others like it are slowly reintroducing this magnificent bird... http://www.articleheaven.net/welcoming-back-the-condor-2071025.html 25th February 2011 Recycling EWaste – A Global Problem What do you do when your cell phone dies or is outdated and you want a new one? How do you dispose of a computer safely? Recycling electronic waste, eWaste, has become a serious, global problem. Why is it Dangerous? Lead, cadmium, mercury, hexaval... http://www.articleheaven.net/recycling-ewaste--a-global-problem-2068204.html 24th February 2011 Who were the Big Losers (or is that Winners?) at the 2010 Razzie Awards? For the 31st year the Golden Raspberry Awards Foundation has nominated what it considers to be the very worst of film for 2010. With a nod to the Oscars, held the day after the Razzies, many of the categories mimic those awarded the following day: Worst... http://www.articleheaven.net/who-were-the-big-losers-or-is-that-winners-at-the-2010-razzie-awards-2068189.html 24th February 2011 The 2011 Oscar Nominations Are In From a stuttering king to animated toys, the 2011 Oscar Nominations span quite a number of genres and it’s not too late to catch all of them, either on the silver screen or on DVD. Leading the pack is ‘The King’s Speech’ – a movie directed by Tom Hoo... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-2011-oscar-nominations-are-in-2068149.html 24th February 2011